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有人说,这是释经讲道的荣耀。This is the glory of expository preaching, we were told.

写一篇有关如何快速阅读的说明文。Write an expository essay explaining how to republishing fast.

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“我们在太空中的使命”为一篇有关科普知识的说明文。Our Destiny in Space" is an expository writing about popular science."

以前的对比修辞研究主要集中在说明文体裁上。Much of the previous research has mainly dealt with expository writing.

百科全书条目释文是一种权威性辞书的说明文字,其语言朴实、洁、谨。The explanatory article in encyclopaedia is a kind of expository writing.

我切切盼望这些简单的讲解性的学习会帮助你达到这个目标。I trust that these simple expository studies will help you reach that goal.

你的大多数讲道应该是纯粹释经式的和经文式的。The majority of sermons that you preach will be purely expository and textual.

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一个戏剧砙靶枰桓稣习?除非是单纯的连接或说明性的情况。A theatrical scene requires an obstacle unless it is a pure connective or expository situation.

解释性的学期论文而要探讨和讨论一个话题进行了全面。Expository term papers are rather intended to explore and discuss a single topic in a thorough way.

一种解释性的论文是一个小学生写的主要目的是告诉读者。An expository term paper is one that a pupil writes with the primary objective of informing the reader.

他们对英语的精妙运用使他们的著作成为英语说明性散文的最好典范。Their precise and supple use of English makes their books models of English expository prose at its best.

实验结果进一步印证了在线关联推理对阅读理解和记忆的积极作用。It further proves the positive roles of on-line inferences in expository reading comprehension and recall.

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在这点上他的语言似乎对于所解释的对象是解说性的。His language at such points generally seems to be explainable primarily in terms of his expository objectives.

期刊中的文章可能是研究论文,可能是简介、概述,也可能提出一个问题。Items in the journal may be research papers, short notes, survey or expository articles, or research problems.

这种形式是保存在稍后章节另外,在其中一些运动是平静的和说明性的风格。This form is preserved in the later sections also, in some of which the movement is calm and the style expository.

如同大部分情节一样,这一结局在影片中表现得很含糊,因为库布里克先生删减了大部分解说性的内容。Like much of the plot, this denouement is not clear in the film, from which Mr. Kubrick cut most of the expository material.

在一篇仅有六百字的议论短文里,一个段落可能不超过百字,或在四至八句之间。In a short expository essay of about 600 words, the average paragraph may be about 100 words, or between four and eight sentences.

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学生们一般从来没有接受过用本国的语言写作学术或介绍型文章的训练,更不用说用英语了。Students have typically never received adequate training in academic or expository writing in their native languages, never mind English.

解释性的论文是由许多不同的学期论文,鼓励读者提出一个具体的理由或解释。Expository term papers are therefore different from many term papers which encourage the reader to present a specific argument or interpretation.

说明文的阅读视角不仅影响阅读中信息的获得,而且会影响实时阅读加工过程。Reading perspective in expository text not only results in a selective memory of relevant information, but also influences on-line text processing.