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他听到雨啪啪地落在雨篷上。He hears it bursting over the awning.

我将用双手掩起我赤裸的羞惭。With both easily I will awning my naked shame.

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这个遮阳蓬盖住了人行道上好几英尺的地方。The awning extends several feet over the sidewalk.

遮阳蓬伸出几个脚在人行道上。Several people herded under an awning to get out the shower.

几个人聚集在门栅下避阵雨。Several people herded under an awning to get out the shower.

一天黄昏的时候,我们在布篷下很和谐地一块儿坐着聊天。One evening, we sat talking very friendly together under awning.

一天黄昏的时候,我们在布篷下很和谐地一块儿坐着聊天。One evening, we sat talking very friendly together under an awning.

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加强济南遮阳蓬施工现场的用电办理。The strengthening of Ji'nan awning construction site for electricity.

该公寓有一座带雨篷的宽敞平台眺望着内庭。A spacious terrace shaded by an awning overlooks an interior courtyard.

很明显可见,侧门遮阳篷铁支是伸向我的客户的房子。Visibly, the side door awning is stretching towards my customer's house.

一楼的水平遮阳百叶窗与纱窗伴随着每个冷却池。A ground level awning window with flyscreen accompanies each cooling pond.

一对年老的夫妇站立在这个帐篷村边缘的一顶商店遮阳篷下。An elderly couple stood under a store awning on the edge of the tent village.

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人们都站在沃尔玛门口的遮雨篷下等雨停。We all stood there under the awning and just inside the door of the Wal-Mart.

带有钢桁架结构罩棚的体育场斜看台是一种比较典型的体育场结构。The steep stadium with awning of steel truss structure is a typical structure.

小船上,两个男子两个女郎对坐在淡蓝布荷叶边平顶船篷下。Two men and two girls in a boat sat facing each other under the flat blue awning.

我的灵目透过窗缝偷窥,退后,翩跹于遮阳棚下。My mind's eye, peeping through the window, backs off, fluttering under the awning.

小船上,两个男子两个女郎对坐在淡蓝布荷叶边平顶船篷下。Two men and girls sat facing each other under the flat nattierblue awning of a boat.

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这有些零零碎碎的乐器-遮阳棚是竖琴变卖后换来的。There are bits and pieces of musical instruments—the awning came from clarinet values.

小船上,两个男子两个女郎对坐在淡蓝布荷叶边平顶船篷下。On the boat, two couples seated face to face under the pale blue awning with flouncing.

但是运用升降式脚手架无法进行济南伸缩蓬的施工作业。But lifting scaffolding can not be used for construction work of Ji'nan telescopic awning.