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以下克里斯蒂·尼克尔森为你报导解答。Christie Nicholson reports.

她比克里斯蒂更瘦小更纤弱。She is smaller and slighter than Christie.

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克里斯蒂厌烦了她的没有出头之日的工作。Christie is tired of working at her dead-end job.

阿加莎·克里斯蒂是侦探小说女王。Agatha Christie is the queen of detective writing.

克里斯蒂说,巴哈马十分珍视与中国的关系。Christie said that Bahamas very much cherishes relations with China.

十六岁时,克莉丝蒂前往巴黎求学,研习钢琴和歌唱。At 16, Christie went to a school in Paris to study piano and singing.

阿加莎·克里斯蒂所著的侦探小说当然可谓风格陈旧。The kind of whodunit Agatha Christie wrote is certainly old-fashioned.

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但知道阿嘉莎·克里斯蒂这个名字,却是在上了大学之后。But I hadn't known the name of Agatha Christie until my university age.

有些东西永远不会改变,在时尚界,克里斯蒂·布林克利就是其中之一。Some things never change, and in fashion, Christie Brinkley is one of them.

该州有60万人断电,这其中也包括政府官员克里斯·克里斯蒂。More than 600,000 lost electricity in the state, including Gov. Chris Christie.

新泽西州州长克里斯·克里斯蒂愤怒地指责共和党占主导地位的众议院。An irate New Jersey Governor Chris Christie is denouncing the GOP-dominated House.

“联邦应急管理局一直都是能做出迅速反应的”,新泽西共和党州长克里斯·科里斯蒂说。"FEMA has been very responsive, " said New Jersey's Republican Gov. Chris Christie.

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在角逐新泽西州州长的竞选中,克莉丝-克里斯蒂遥遥领先于乔恩-科赞。Chris Christie is easily leading Jon Corzine in the race for New Jersey's governorship.

他们所探讨的犯罪世界比阿加莎·克里斯蒂所能想象的要黑暗得多。They explore a world of crime that is much darker than anything imagined by Agatha Christie.

沃纳•克里斯雅蒂先生将在本届科博会中国高新企业发展国际论坛发表演讲。Werner Christie will make speech at Development of High-tech Enterprises International Forums.

我最喜欢的作家是阿嘉莎·克里斯蒂。我一直希望有一天我也可以写一部侦探小说。My favorite writer of all times is Agatha Christie. I wish that one day I could write a crime book.

共和党民意测验专家弗兰克Luntz说,许多共和党人想看到克里斯蒂参加总统竞选。Republican pollster Frank Luntz says many Republicans would like to see Christie run for president.

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大卫还坚定的表示他永远不会拍摄非阿加莎克里斯蒂原创的波洛故事。And the star is adamant he will never film a Poirot tale not originally written by ­Agatha Christie.

畅销犯罪小说作家阿加莎·克里斯蒂来自英格兰西南海岸的德文郡托基市。Best-selling crime author Agatha Christie comes from Torquay in Devon, on England's southwest coast.

战事结束,克莉丝蒂将书稿寄给更多家出版社,终于有一家出版社在一九二○年将书稿付梓出版。After the war ended, Christie sent her book to more publishers and finally in 1920, one published it.