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球形蛋黄液囊提供营养品。Bulbous yolk sacs provide nourishment.

我被判定有伪造罪。I must take some counterfeit nourishment.

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食品不仅仅是供我们生存的养料,它还是财产。Food was more than nourishment. It was an asset.

这种吸附器并不能提供任何养料。No nourishment is provided through the holdfast.

赐福给这个食物吧,这是我们的身体所需的营养。Bless this food to the nourishment of our bodies.

但是骆驼不会把它们当做营养物质来消耗。But the camel never gets to use it for nourishment.

既能提供营养,也能够给孩子安抚和快乐。It provides comfort and joy as well as nourishment.

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乐享不朽的营养之人是不死之人。A man can never die who enjoys immortal nourishment.

稀粥里的营养少得可怜,算是很低的要求了。Congee is a thin gruel, containing little nourishment.

她接受静脉注射,不过有些是营养物质,但治疗基本进入尾声。Farrah is on IVs, but some of that is for nourishment.

我们得花一整天的时间寻找我的羊群需要的滋养。It takes all day to find the nourishment my sheep need.

植物从泥土中吸收矿物质和其他养料。Plants get mineral and other nourishment from the sand.

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但是现在要靠吸取营养来维持体力,实在太迟了。But it is too late to try for strength now through nourishment.

捕鲸的目的即是为当时忍饥挨饿的日本人提供一些廉价营养。The aim was to provide cheap nourishment for a famished nation.

隐藏的吗哪是喻意基督会帮助我们的灵命成长。Hidden manna speaks of secret nourishment for our spiritual lives.

即使为了果腹,也不能引用。It must not be taken even if it's for the purposes of nourishment.

这是一种苦涩的滋养品,或许对于某些人这是最好的滋养品。A bitter nourishment – perhaps the best there is for certain people.

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如果你体重适中,你的营养量就适中。Q7. If you weigh what you should, you're getting proper nourishment.

重要的是,你的头脑和身体可以因此得到滋养。It will be the biggest nourishment for your starving mind and even body.

他说,免疫系统崩溃的原因是贫穷、缺乏营养以及普遍的不健康。The cause, he said, was poverty, bad nourishment and general ill-health.