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我要你确保那个病秧子裁缝。站在我们这边。I want you to make sure that pasty seamstress stays on our side.

真是天上掉下了馅饼,还是一个个美丽的陷阱?It is the sky dropped really pasty , be still each beautiful trap?

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由革命党到执政党的转变,党的目标、任务和功能都发生了变化。The Communist Party of China has shifted from a revolutionary party to a pasty in power.

膏体推进剂是由固体推进剂衍变而成的一种新型化学推进剂。The pasty propellant is a new kind of chemical propellant derived from solid propellant.

慢慢加入清水,搅拌成无颗粒状的面糊。Decant water in the flour slowly, then, stir it until it becomes pasty without graininess.

原本载有几乎任何的康沃尔膏剂现在包含根切碎丰富的蔬菜和碎牛肉。Originally containing almost anything the Cornish Pasty now contains seasoned chopped root vegetables and minced beef.

我扭曲着身体,混乱苍白,老公却乐此不疲,当然后来我也很享受榨干的感觉。I was a frizzy, pasty mess, but he seemed to enjoy taking the pictures and I certainly enjoyed getting reamed afterward.

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为脱气一流动,稠糊状产品设备包括反应堆有一个产品一个产品进,排气口。A device for degassing a flowable, viscous and pasty product includes a reactor having a product inlet and a product discharge outlet.

之后,他会吃掉一块三明治、一大堆薯片和一碗糊粥作为午餐,小息后还会吃去一大包饼干。He would then eat a sandwich, a large pack of crisps and a pasty for lunch before chomping on a whole packet of biscuits in the afternoon.

马修停车进了一家馅饼店买晚餐,片刻之后回到车上,却发现女儿失了踪。Matthew jockeys entered inn of a pasty to buy dinner, the car is returned to go up after moment, discover the daughter lost track however.

细看才知道,他们的头盔原来是睡帽,而且,他们是两个年轻的修道士,刚好是能给自己系缨绶的年龄,他们一脸病相,面无血色。Close to, their hoods became cowls, and I made out two young monks, barely old enough to tie their own tassels, their faces pasty and drawn.

微孔淀粉是淀粉酶在低于淀粉糊化温度下水解生淀粉形成的一种新型变性淀粉。The micro-porous starch, which is hydrolyzed from raw starch by starch enzyme under the starch pasty point, is a new type of modified starch.

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互联网、电子游戏、以及智能手机技术以爆炸性的速度流行起来,让这群曾经孱弱而苍白的原始人类一下变酷了。The explosive popularity of the Internet, videogames, and smartphone technology has made this formerly feeble cluster of pasty virgins “cool.”

结果表明采用生物反应器中的土壤浆化反应器处理含油污泥是一种生物强化技术,并获得了良好的效果。The results indicate that it is a bioaugmentation of disposing oiliness sludge in pasty soil reactor of biologic reactor and achieving well effect.

而在最近的一次全国性比赛中,德文郡的馅饼被授予全英最佳“康威尔”馅饼,两地因此又起争执。A spat broke out when judges of a recent national competition awarded a Devon-based pasty maker's creation the title of Britain's best "Cornish" pasty.

康瓦尔郡菜肉馅饼很可口,通常它是一块烤成半圆的馅饼,里面会有肉。Cornish pasty is a baked savoury pastry case traditionally filled with diced meat, sliced potato and onion. Traditionally, pasties have a semicircular shape.

由于活版或柯式墨的糊状性质和触变性的累积使它滞留在墨槽里而不流出来。Backing away Ink refuse to flow out of the duct because of the pasty nature and built-up of thixotropy of the letterpress or offset ink. Also called Hanging back.

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要使米饭达到这种状态而防止出现米浆状,米粒在煮的过程中不应该搅动过多或者是煮得太久。To give them this form and prevent the rice from having a pasty appearance, this cereal should not be stirred too much in cooking nor should it be cooked too long.

典型应用包括绞肉,香肠,奶酪,面团混合物,糊状馅料,浓缩汤和粘稠酱汁。Typical applications include ground meat formulations and sausage emulsions, cheese and cheese spreads, dough mixes, pasty fillings, concentrated soups and viscous sauces.

因为奶油面糊包含未烹调过的面粉,用这种生面团增稠的汤汁可能会因为面粉中的生蛋白质而带有不好吃的粉质或寡味。Because Beurre manié contains uncooked flour, liquids thickened using Beurre manié dough may have an undesirable floury or pasty taste due to the uncooked proteins in the flour.