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需要我来一些更加猛烈的抨击吗?Do I need to churn out more diatribes?

搅匀,加至满杯,再搅拌一次。Stir, fill glass to top, and churn once more.

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一减流失率就是保留率。One minus the churn rate is the retention rate.

奶油制造机有两根搅棍搅打奶油。The butter churn has two paddles to whip the cream.

搅乳器有两根搅棍搅拌奶油。The butter churn have two paddle to whip the cream.

它把搅乳器弄翻了,并开始喝那打翻的乳脂。First he filled the churn with cream to make butter.

搅黄油的机器照常运转着,但是黄油就是搅不出来。The churn revolved as usual, but the butter would not come.

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接着她又摇了起来,杰克的骨头把圆桶碰得哐当直响。And on went the churn , and Jack's bones rattled round again.

在我给出答案之前,让我们来看看事物是如何波动的。Before I give away the answer, let's look at how things churn.

你认为这些对玩家保留率的提高有帮助么?Do you think they will be beneficial in reducing the churn rate?

大多数模型都应用流失率或者保留率。Most models can be written using either churn rate or retention rate.

这位老兄一只手臂下夹着搅乳器,踏着重重的步伐顺着路走到水井边。With the churn under one arm, the man stamped down the path to the well.

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部分原因是由于大学总是赓续的精雕细刻出更多的哲学博士。This is partly because universities continue to churn out ever more PhDs.

所有这些装置都能解读出那些反映人们生活方式的数据。All of these devices churn out data that says something about how people live.

打印机开始一页一页艰难地打印这孩子的十页论文。The printer started to churn out copy after copy of the kid's ten-page report.

搅乳器晃动的声音首先使得汤普生太太微微打盹。The sound of the swinging churn rocked Mrs. Thompson first into a gentle doze.

晚上当噩梦困扰着你的思绪的时候,你处于一种半睡半醒的状态。Nights when bad dreams churn around your mind, keeping you in a half-awake state.

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本文对某固网运营商一市级分公司的客户数据进行上述方法的实证应用。A practice of churn prediction is conducted in a filiale of a fixed-line operator.

他顽强的手和脚开始痉挛地微弱地挣扎和划动。His wilful hands and feet began to beat and churn about, spasmodically and feebly.

还有多如牛毛的公司在生产着假冒的吉列产品和劳力士手表,而这些假冒产品又在街头巷尾售出。And myriad companies churn out the fake Gillettes and Rolexes sold on street corners.