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法的编纂表现为法的系统化的最高形态。Codification is the highest form of legal systematization.

其组成部分主要是一个系统化的早期知识的几何。The Elements are mainly a systematization of earlier knowledge of geometry.

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网络安全管理发展的未来是安全管理系统化。The future of network safety management is safety management systematization.

西方的科学体制化是依次由英国、法国、德国到美国完成的。Science systematization was successively realized in Britain, France, Germany and US.

物流合理化的根本途径是实现物流的系统化。The cardinal approach to the rationalization of PD is to realize the systematization of PD.

长期以来,都把马克思主义哲学观确定为“理论化、系统化的世界观”。The Marxism philosophy is defined as the systematization and theorization of the world outlook.

农民组织化程度要与生产力的发展水平相适应。Farmers' systematization level has to be in accordance with the development of productive forces.

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唐代是保辜制度的发展成熟时期,保辜制度得以定型化、系统化。In Tang Dynasty, the victim protection system develops into its maturation, stereotypia, systematization.

并通过实例证明设计上具有逻辑性、灵活性、系统性和简洁性等特点。The design is characterized by logicality , flexibility, systematization and succinctness by case analysis.

未来城市管理的研究必将呈现进一步综合化、系统化的发展趋势。In the future, the researches of urban management must present the tendency of further synthesization and systematization.

提高农业组织化程度必须大力推进农业产业化进程。Raising the systematization level of agriculture needs vigorously impelling the process of the agricultural industrialization.

审判流程管理制度是一种科学的案件管理制度。The level of the modernization and systematization of the judicial process management in China is relatively lower than Britains.

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我国的审判流程管理的现代化、系统化程度较低,而英国的审判流程管理非常发达。The level of the modernization and systematization of the judicial process management in China is relatively lower than Britain's.

古希腊哲学体系化时期,“现实性概念的分裂”对于自然科学基本范畴的确立具有至关重要的意义。The splitting of actuality in the systematization period in Greece take a key step to the advancing of the basic categories of science.

1960年总体规划的制定为加州确立了高等教育的系统化发展模式。Master Plan for Higher Education in California, 1960-1975 established a systematization development mode for California higher education.

它们以扩散性的联想意义为联结而进行语义泛化或结构类推成词,并具有系统性、对举性、概括性特征。They are characterized with systematization and generalization, which result from their semantic association and their formative analogy.

1960年总体规划的制定为加州确立了高等教育的系统化发展模式。A Master Plan for Higher Education in California, 1960-1975 established a systematization development mode for California higher education.

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明朝是中越关系从无序、不明朗状态发展至规范化、制度化的重要阶段。The Ming Dynasty was an essential period for the Sino-Vietnam relations to turn from disorder and instability to standardization and systematization.

与先进发达国家相比,我国青少年媒介素养水平低下,媒介素养教育缺失。In that case, the media literacy education has become a new concept with rich connotations, possessing the purposes of systematization and multi-levels.

留学生不仅在其创办的科学期刊中积极倡导科学体制化,而且利用刊物汇聚力量,进而建立学术组织。Through their scientific periodicals, overseas students not only promote the systematization of science, but also gather power to create academic organizations.