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消费级烟火有一个六秒钟的导火索。Consumer-grade pyrotechnics have a six-second fuse.

宇宙烟火和惊奇的烟云。See photos of cosmic pyrotechnics and amazing nebulas.

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经过试验验证可以用于火工装置的测试。It is proven that the system can be used in tests of pyrotechnics.

现在,他逐渐用烟火术取代舞蹈和故事。Now, in place of dancing and stories, he ramped up the pyrotechnics.

也许那一刻我闭上眼,烟火渐次凋零。Perhaps the moment I shut our eyes, gradually declining pyrotechnics.

中国人是造纸,瓷器和火药的创始人。The Chinese were the first people to make paper, porcelain and pyrotechnics.

七月四日,人们在家里食完人间烟火,接下去就是。The Fourth of July domestic culinary pyromania is followed by community pyrotechnics.

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对自毁装置火工品在级间热分离过程中的安全性进行了研究。The safety of pyrotechnics of self-destruction system in hot-splitting process was studied.

火工烟火职业历来把安全工作放在日常工作的首位。Safety work in pyrotechnics is always put in the first place of daily works by pyrotechnists.

在实际应用中,此种工艺所制备的烟火药剂有燃烧精度高的优点。In practice, pyrotechnics prepared in this way have the advantage of high combustion precision.

往常,在两周的春节中全镇都在载歌载舞和漫天焰火的喧闹中度过。Normally, the town would convulse in singing, dancing and pyrotechnics during the two-week holiday.

北京的农历新年充满了祥和的气氛——除了满大街的烟花炮竹之外——令人身心放松。The Lunar New Year holiday in Beijing was quiet -- except for the pyrotechnics in the streets -- and relaxing.

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常用的烟火信号为军队手持信号火箭和地面烟雾弹两种类型。The types of pyrotechnics commonly used by the military are hand-held signal rockets and ground smoke grenades.

载人飞船回收着陆分系统火工装置作为分系统的关键产品,要求具有很高的可靠性和充分的试验验证。As a key of recovery and landing subsystem of manned spacecraft, high reliability of the pyrotechnics is demanded.

尽管对存在严厉的监管措施,加上经济不景气,人们在自家后院燃放烟花似乎比过去更流行。Despite the tough regulatory climate and a sluggish economy, backyard pyrotechnics appear to be more popular than ever.

文章主要介绍了载人飞船回收着陆分系统主要火工装置的特点及其可靠性试验。The characteristics and series of reliability test of the pyrotechnics of recovery and landing subsystem are introduced.

该委员会负责监管烟花爆竹和其爆炸威力,在这里生动地展示了烟花爆竹对人体的潜在危害。The commission, which regulates fireworks’ explosive power, here vividly shows the potential of pyrotechnics for bodily harm.

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同时发现了火工品在电爆活门中使用的不足之处,改进了火工品设计。At the same time it was found that the pyrotechnics had defects when used in the valves, thus the pyrotechnics design was improved.

王世荣认为,自己并未参与整个策划过程,点燃引线用的火炬是徐威递给他的。Wang said he was not involved with planning the fireworks display and only lit the fuse for the pyrotechnics after Xu handed him a torch.

简要地介绍了瞬态分光辐射仪的结构及测量原理。The structure and basic principle of transient spectroradiometer in determination of combustion behavior of pyrotechnics are briefly described.