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是巴尔扎克发表的第一部长篇哲理小说。Honoré de Balzac was a French novelist and playwright.

是否作者巴尔扎克的文学理论是建立在女性主义之上的?Is it Balzac the author professing "literary" ideas on femininity?

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巴尔扎克曾说过,“每一笔巨大的财富背后都隐藏着罪恶。”As Balzac once said, "Behind every great fortune lies a great crime."

奥诺雷巴尔扎克德是在19世纪法国最伟大的作家之一。Honoré de Balzac was one of France's great writers in the 19th century.

巴尔扎克所著<人间喜剧>中的许多人物在不止一部小说中出现。Many characters in Balzac 's "Human Comedy" figure in more than one novel or story.

他屡屡失败,但从未放弃过继续写小说的念头。Balzac failures never faltered his drive to continue to write novels and novelettes.

枪声一响,部署在巴尔扎克公寓的间谍就会立刻缉拿熊阔海到案。Gunfire rang, deployed in Balzac apartment spy will immediately to arrest XiongKuo sea DaoAn.

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是否巴尔扎克自己的,个人经历就是由女性哲学衍发出来的?Is it Balzac the individual, furnished by his personal experience with a philosophy of Woman?

国内对巴尔扎克的接受与传播中,李健吾属成绩卓著者。Among the people who accept and spread Balzac at home, Li Jianwu belongs to the distinguished.

如果您决定从事写作,你必须做到,如巴尔扎克所说,“象个矿工埋藏在塌落的沙石下”。If you decide to write, then you must do it, as Balzac said, “like a miner buried under a fallen roof.”

正如我们在前面提到的播客,奥诺雷德巴尔扎克是在19世纪法国最伟大的作家之一。As mentioned in our previous podcast, Honoré de Balzac was one of France's great writers in the 19th century.

一天晚上,一个小偷摸进了巴尔扎克的家里,因为巴尔扎克经常睡得很晚,还老不关门。One night, a burglar entered the home of Balzac who have the habit of sleeping late and not closing the door.

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苦难对于人生是一块垫脚石,对于能干的人是一笔财富,对于弱者是个万丈深渊。——巴尔扎克。Suffering is a stepping stone for life, for is a wealth of talented people, for the weak is an abyss. — Balzac.

该休息室是开放七天一周,从上午7时至下午11时,酒店巴尔扎克还为客人提供24小时客房服务。The lounge is open seven days a week, from 7 a. m. to 11 p. m. Hotel Balzac also provides 24-hour room service for guests.

吴敬梓与巴尔扎克是十八、九世纪东西方现实主义作家。Wujingzi and Balzac were outstanding writers who founded the realism movement in literature in the 18th and 19th centuries.

作为二十世纪现代主义的重要作家,福克纳的作品,具有巴尔扎克系列小说那样的宏观结构。As one of the most important modernist writers faulkner uses a macrostructure in his novels as balzac does in his series of novels.

正是他的坚忍与执著、艰辛与勤奋,才使巴尔扎克的中国之旅变得如此灿烂夺目。Just owing to his endurance and his perseverance, his hardships and his diligence, Balzac becomes so dynamic and dazzling in China.

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我们最富盛名的作家往往都在法国呆上好几年,而在那里的每个人都看过巴尔扎克的书并看过阿兰·德龙的电影。Our greatest writers spent years in France, and everyone here has read a book of Balzac or seen a movie starring French actor Alain Delon.

并非我们没有守财奴,但比起莫里哀与巴尔扎克笔下的守财奴与野心家来,就小巫见大巫了。But Chinese misers prove less miserly and less ambitious when they are compared with those misers and careerists described by Moliai and Balzac.

前几代法国作家-从莫里哀,雨果,巴尔扎克和福楼拜一直到普鲁斯特,萨特,加缪和马尔罗-从不缺乏外国读者。Earlier generations of French writers — from Molière, Hugo, Balzac and Flaubert to Proust, Sartre, Camus and Malraux — did not lack for an audience abroad.