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把一张邮票贴在信封上。Stick a stamp on the envelop.

你能给我一个回邮信封吗?Can you give me a return envelop?

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大雾开始弥漫,渐渐包围了营地。The fog began to envelop the campground.

把邮票贴在信封上寄出去。Attach a stamp to the envelop and mail it.

你有没有经常在微信上抢红包?Do you usually grab red envelop on WeChat?

说出包围着地球的两个海洋名称。Name the two oceans which envelop the globs.

这个信封上印有回信地址。The envelop was imprinted with a return address.

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请原谅我误拆你的信。Please forgive me to open you envelop by mistake.

我们必须收回他们的命运和信封在我们的。We need to reclaim their fates and envelop them in ours.

而我们邮箱里收到了一个信封,上面没有写发信人地址。And in our mail arrived an envelop without a return address.

在落叶松卷穿透信封把它转换。The tamarack volume penetrates the envelop and transforms it.

当我看到学校邮来的信封我总是变的很紧张。I always get nervous when I see the envelop from school in the mall.

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我们在建筑外皮上使用垂直草墙镶板系统和绿色屋顶。We apply the vertical grass panel system and green roof onto the building envelop.

这种宁静自然的香气将你围绕,让你沉浸在安宁和平的氛围之中。It is quiet natural scents that envelop you and immersed in the tranquility and peace.

韩志杰拉紧萧岚的手走出瑞安大酒店,洪万良带着重重包围韩志杰。Jeff han tighten the hand out Ryan hotel, xiao LAN HongWanLiang with envelop Jeff han.

我想,能不能盖一座房子,放在信封里给灾区的人寄过去。I even have an idea of building a house and posting it to the disaster area in envelop.

在香港上市的内地公司仍不断受丑闻困扰。Other new and continuing scandals threaten to envelop Hong Kong-listed mainland companies.

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尔后,中国的戏剧将你领入另一个精妙绝伦的世界。Afterwards, Chinese opera can envelop you in the magnigicence of another world, another time.

他摸摸装在衣袋里信封中舒尔茨给他的五十块钱,抑制住自己要去掷骰子的瘾头。He felt the envelop with schultzy's fifty in his pocket and fought back the urge to the dice.

在签封之前,请将此材料清单和所有其他文件附在一起,谢谢。Please remove this Checklist and attach it with all the documents before sealing the envelop.