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那刽子手向她走过来。The executioner came towards her.

刽子手好像离弦的箭似的跑去了。And the executioner went off like an arrow.

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在大不里士没人敢轻视行刑者。No man in Tabriz trifled with the executioner.

行刑官就喊,“预备!She says no, and the executioner shouts, "Ready!"

接着,那刽子手用东西遮住了她的眼睛。Then the executioner put something over her eyes.

刽子手从来没见过这种情形。The executioner had never seen anything like this!

他看上去就像是被刽子手砍了头。He looked like an executioner had cleaved his head.

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刽子手放下了斧子,一言不发地站着。The executioner put down his axe and stood quietly.

他是幕府将军的刽子手。Frequently both victims and the executioner were drunk.

就让刽子手停止行刑,赦免了王延寿。They told the executioner to let him go, and pardoned him.

她不能走到木台那儿,于是那刽子手拉她过去。She could not walk to the block, so the executioner helped her.

此外,吉约丹医生还考虑到了以下的情况——刽子手在用斧头行刑时难免会失手。Doctor Guillotin also took into account the failings of the human executioner.

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但只能远远地看着月香惨死在刽子手收紧的绞索下。But only looked far wolhyang the noose tightened collectivisation in the executioner.

一位教授在莱顿已经明显加尔文的上帝“一个暴君和刽子手”。A professor at Leyden had already pronounced Calvin's God "a tyrant and an executioner".

在官方的报道中,侩子手成为了英雄,而英雄,又成为了这个时代的传说。In the official report, the executioner to become a hero, and hero, and become the legend.

知秋追来,向常绿拜师学做刽子手但被拒绝。Know track for autumn, evergreen to learn from master to do the executioner but was refused.

圣人在殉道前,行刑者曾问他是否想活着,与家人一起。Before his death he was asked by the executioner whether he wanted to live and to be with family.

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兴奋的执行者滥用职权,草率检查商品。Excited executioner exercising his excising powers excessively by examining the goods carelessly.

如果说爱情是主谋,那么回忆将是我们凌迟处死的侩子手。If love is mastermind, then cut into pieces will be our memories to be put to death the executioner.

他心里燃烧着的阴森火光,照亮了受刑人和刽子手这一对形象。This group of victim and executioner was illuminated by the sepulchral light which he bore in his own soul.