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革命军太强大了。The revolution is strong.

欢迎来到这场革命。Welcome to the Revolution.

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支持“为什么”的革命。Support the why revolution.

我是去点燃一场革命的。I'm going to foment revolution.

在你的大脑中发动一场革命。Start a revolution in your head.

这场革命才刚刚开始。The revolution is only beginning.

他们获得2.1兆电子伏每个革命。They gain 2.1 MeV each revolution.

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改革是中国的第二次革命。Reform is China's second revolution.

革命的烈火在燃烧。The flames of revolution are raging.

革命的新高潮来了。A new upsurge of revolution has come.

第二章论述孙中山的革命程序论。And after the revolution of 1911, Dr.

革命和杀死沙皇都是伟大的事业吗?Revolution and regicide a grand fact?

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倡导“如厕”革命!Sparkplug a revolution of "lavatory"!

“史界革命”的倡导。The advocacy of "history revolution".

Fasi在第二天加入了革命队伍。Fasi joined the revolution on day two.

这些书里称它为新石器革命。They call it the Neolithic Revolution.

那时是法国大革命时期。This was during the French Revolution.

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被塞诺比亚革命军杀死。Was killed by the Zenobian Revolution.

革命是预防扎克雷运动的疫苗。Revolution is the vaccine of Jacquerie.

国王被革命废黜了。The king was deposed by the revolution.