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不要对我大吼大叫。Don't roar at me.

吼声非常重要。A roar is very important.

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风与浪的怒吼狂掀?For wind or water's roar?

狮子又大吼一声。The lion gave a big roar.

低语声提高为吼叫声。The murmur swelled into a roar.

一声震耳的吼叫从人群中发出。A loud roar rose from the crowd.

那寂静是种强烈的哮吼。The silence was an intense roar.

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拍岸浪的咆哮声在这儿略为低沉。The surf's roar was here dulled.

咆哮声回荡在整个房间里。The whole room rang with a roar.

和内心深处最深沉的嘶吼。And the roar of the deepest heart.

他的笑话逗得整桌人狂笑不止。His jokes set the table in a roar.

狮子的吼声也令人心生敬畏。The lion's roar is impressive, too.

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随后从人群中传出一阵吼声。Then a roar went up from the crowd.

大炮发出震耳欲聋的轰鸣声。The cannons boomed a deafening roar.

国王狮子吼排在数字的前面。King Lion's Roar headed their number.

狂风的吼声越来越高。And the coming wind did roar more loud.

每个人被迫著发出最后的吼声。Everyone is forced to give a last roar.

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落入陷阱的狮子发出愤怒的吼叫。The trapped lion emitted a roar of rase.

咆哮的烈焰从家园树的底部窜出。FLAMES ROAR through the base of Hometree.

他能逼真地模仿狮子吼。He gives a good imitation of a lion's roar.