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她却甩开了他的手。She shook it off.

山都在震动。The mountains shook.

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那只猫叼着那只耗子甩动。The cat shook the rat.

她挣脱开来,跑掉了。She shook free and ran.

她挣开我的手臂。She shook my arm loose.

他难过地摇摇头。He shook his head sadly.

我有气无力地握了握他的手说。I weakly shook his hand.

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她听了只是摇了摇头。She only shook her head.

但艾丽莎摇着头。But Eliza shook her head.

但是,汉威尔只是摇头。But Hywel shook his head.

他慢慢地摇了摇头。He shook his head slowly.

她毛绒绒的大尾巴摇摇。Her big furry tail shook.

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那只湿淋淋的狗猛摇身体。The wet dog shook itself.

那个邮差摇了摇头。The postman shook his head.

可是,树儿摇摇头。But the Tree shook its head.

堂-科利昂摇着他的头。Don Corleone shook his head.

汤普森是开帽子铺的。Mr. Thompson shook his head.

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大风吹得房子都摇晃了。The house shook in the gale.

艾萝依摇晃着玛丽简的手臂。Eloise shook Mary Jane's arm.

她的声音因激动而颤抖。Her voice shook with emotion.