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为什么有如此高的淘汰率?Why the high fallout rate?

在一段时间内是致命的影响。For a time the fallout was deadly.

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这灰落尘入土,成泥成尘。This ash soil, the fallout mud dust.

爆破落尘弥漫空中。The fallout from these explosions fills the air.

屋内一柄落尘的扇子,依稀桃花正浓。Inside a fallout of the fan, one is strong peach.

利用豚草及核放射物对沉积物进行年代推定Dating sediments using ragweed and nuclear fallout

奥尔特将反面影响刻画为交学费。Mr. Alter describes the fallout as 'paying tuition.

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我们不应再谈论关于放射性微尘的危害。We should stop talking about the menace of fallout.

格伦迪受该事件影响丢了工作。Grundy lost his job in the fallout from the incident.

相反,是鹅肝造成了这场风波。Instead, it is foie gras that is causing the fallout.

有放射性物质落下时不要进行采收。refrain from harvesting after radioactive material fallout.

张说,胡还在本公司,并否认发生了争吵。Hu is still with the company, Zhang said, denying a fallout.

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在嘈杂和民主制度的印度,纷扰的尘埃更容易衡量。In garrulous, democratic India, the fallout is easier to gauge.

加州受到的打击预示了华尔街后来的结局。California's losses prefigured the later fallout on Wall Street.

在1979年和1980年,我似乎对各种不利的副作用有吸引力。In 1979 and 1980, I seemed to have an affinity for adverse fallout.

以色列轰炸奥西拉克的后果很严重,但是有限的。The fallout from Israel's strike on Osirak was serious but limited.

我的第一个念头是在一场电视中看过的原子弹落尘。My first thought was of a TV movie I saw once about nuclear fallout.

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泡沫破裂断送了当时最有雄心的两家公司。The fallout claimed two of the highest-flying companies of the time.

南部边界的辐射尘很可能是个问题。The fallout from south of the border might well have been a problem.

无论有没有核辐射,他们的左邻右舍都需要他们。Nuclear fallout or no nuclear fallout, their neighbors will need them.