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他是一位很有才干的法学家。He was a very competent lawyer.

宝莉是个能干的磋商者。Polly is a competent negotiator.

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他是一个十分称职的教师。He is a highly competent teacher.

他能胜任教这种语言的工作。He is competent to teach the language.

有渊博的古典文学知识。He has a competent knowledge of English.

可依赖“意味着每个人都能胜任工作。And reliable means everyone is competent.

但,可以向你推荐一位有能力的朋友。But, can you recommend a competent friend.

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他的英语水平不足以令他去国外学习。His English is not competent to think abroad.

格林师长教师能够按时完成这项作事。Mr. Green is competent to finish the work on time.

他的继任者李奇微将军比他强多了。His successor, General Ridgway, was more competent.

他不能胜任英语教学工作。He is not competent to the task of teaching English.

一名好领导应该精明能干,办事效率高。A good leader should be both competent and efficient.

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做一个合格的行侦人员一定要有敏锐的鉴察能力。It requires acute vision to be a competent detective.

乔自以为是个相当资深的鸡眼外科医生。Joe considers himself a quite competent corn surgeon.

她给他的印象是如此的镇定自若,精明能干。She had always struck him as so poised, so competent.

有能力的人的词典里面没有“如果”和“但是”这些字眼。A competent person has no ifs and buts in his vocabulary.

据史密斯先生称,王先生是个有能力的理货员。According to Mr. Smith, Mr. Wang is a competent tallyman.

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人事部门寻找有能力的人。The personnel department is seeking for competent persons.

若贵司能给予机会,我相信能够胜任此工作。Believe I can competent for the job if you give me the chance.

研发的,它依然是欧洲林艺类绳索的第一名!Competent partners is still Europe' s arborist rope number one!