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她于是起了誓。And she took the oath.

他咬牙切齿地诅咒。He ground out an oath.

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写在童话里的誓言。Written oath in a fairy tale.

于是大卫向扫罗起誓,扫罗就回家去。So David gave his oath to Saul.

你不能收回你的誓言。You cannot call back your oath.

你们每个人都有参与这项宣誓。Each of you are part of this oath.

他已宣誓要把所看到的一切都讲来出。He was on oath to tell all he saw.

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您要记得您可是宣了誓的啊。Remember you are under oath. I am.

一切山盟海誓都不能完全相信。Any oath Can NOT be totally trusted.

你还记得希波克拉底誓言吗?。Do you remember the Hippocratic Oath?

你现在的行为背离了你的誓言。You are being swerved from your oath.

他是李慕白的拜把兄弟。He was a brother to Li Mu Bai by oath.

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女按摩师行程的第一段是乘火车的。And it's against my oath as a masseuse.

当上千名兄弟武士宣誓时。When thousands of brothers took the oath.

但是,舅舅,我可以发誓,他确实是说儿子。But I could take my oath he said son, Uncle.

副总统当选人宣誓首先考虑。The Vice-President-elect takes the oath first.

爱神,造孽!若其信守誓言。And Love, be false! if _he_, too keep one oath.

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他愿对他所说的一切起誓。He was willing to take his oath to all he said.

法庭中使用的誓词有褂讪的格式。There is a standard form of oath used in lawcourt.

但是丽人誓要和父亲的公司竞争。But beauty oath to compete with his fathers company.