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这辆车骑起来很轻快。The bicycle runs sweetly.

多萝西对她甜甜一笑。Dorothy smiled sweetly at him.

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这个婴儿朝我笑得好甜。The baby smiled at me so sweetly.

齿痕,下摆是浓情蜜意女性化。Scalloped hem is sweetly feminine.

甜蜜的长笛声散发着你的优雅。Sweetly play the flute of Thy grace.

婴儿朝她妈妈甜甜地微笑着。The baby smiled to her mother sweetly.

“好啊,谢谢你,”西家甜甜地回应道。"Yes, thank you, " West echoed sweetly.

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如今我和我心都在欢唱And now my heart and I are sweetly singing

她为什么要杀顾嫣然?Why does she want to kill to heed to sweetly?

你的吻,将我甜在粉红色果酱里。I'm in the pink fruit-kep sweetly by your kiss.

钱德勒向吉儿笑了笑,她也甜甜地回笑了一下。Chandler smiles at her, she smiles back sweetly.

一句话都不讲,扭扭捏捏再走出来,带另外一杯咖啡给他sweetly and then went away without saying a word.

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沙粒徐徐滑过,如流水潺潺敛息。The sand creaks sweetly and slides like slow water.

我们安详地睡觉,甜甜地做梦,自由地谈话。We sleep peacefully, dream sweetly and speak freely.

我没有感觉到颤抖,婉转,或者是甜蜜。I have not felt to warble and trill, however sweetly.

没有一个天使能唱得象我们这么好听。No angel, no archangel can sing it so sweetly as I can.

小提琴的乐曲和她的嗓音很和谐。The music of the violin blended sweetly with her voice.

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但是米奇只制造噪音。他知道不能甜美地唱。But Micky just makes noise. He knows cannot sing sweetly.

甚至,我们所分享的每件小小物什!With every single thing that is sweetly shared between us.

威廉王子和他的新娘在阳台上接了两个甜蜜的吻。Prince William kissed his bride twice sweetly on the balcony.