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大家应当如何定义汽车的丑陋呢?How should one define automotive ugliness?

美只是一张皮,但丑陋却深入骨。Beauty is skin deep, but ugliness is to the bone.

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当把美丽视为美丽的时候,丑陋就出现了。When beauty is seen as beauty, there is ugliness.

这是美与丑、善与恶的鲜明对照!This is the beauty and ugliness , good and evil in contrast!

小说里描绘了女人的丑陋。There's a general ugliness of women that pertains in the novel.

不过也有人认为,政府与这种丑恶沆瀣一气。But some have argued the government is complicit in the ugliness.

现实美和现实丑都是美术创作的源泉。Reality beauty and reality ugliness are the sources of art creation.

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在过去,人们往往会把美同美德、丑同恶习相互等价。In the past, people often equated beauty with virtue and ugliness with vice.

在过去,我们总是把美貌等同于真善美,而把丑陋视作假恶丑。In the past, people often equated beauty with virtue and ugliness with vice.

人们都骂它是丑石,它真是丑得不能再丑的丑石了。Everybody condemned the stone for its ugliness. It is as ugly as it could be.

如果逼不得已必须写一些丑陋的代码,把这些代码局限在一个类中。If you must do something ugly, at least localize the ugliness inside a class.

相反,我们的时代,丑陋与诸遭动乱也正孕育着绝望。Our time, on the other hand, has fed its despair on ugliness and convulsions.

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第三部分探讨审丑教育的实践。The third part is concerned with the practice of education on judging ugliness.

我们可以把我们的生命雕刻成美的,也可将它贬为丑。We can sculpt our existence into somethin beautiful, or debase it into ugliness.

当但丁第一次见到乔托的孩子们时,他们的丑陋使他大为惊讶。When Dante first encountered Giotto's children, he was struck by their ugliness.

Salinger笔下的主角由于生活的丑陋会精神失常,什么会让你抓狂?Salinger’s protagonist is driven mad by the ugliness in life. What drives you nuts?

这种过于简化的认识未能深刻地揭示审丑现象。This utmost simplified recognition did not reveal the phenomenon of judging ugliness.

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现实社会之所以充满丑陋和罪恶,就在于还缺少美或美还处于劣势。The real society is full of ugliness and evil, only because it is in dearth of beauty.

时尚就是丑陋的一种形式,它如此丑,所以我们必须每六个月改变一次。Fashion is a form of ugliness so intolerable that we have to alter it every six months.

结果是如此惨不忍睹,臭名远彰到让美国人和全世界的人都知道。The result was an ugliness too well known to Americans and to people all over the world.