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的确是有责任风险的。And it's a real danger of incumbency.

权利与义务证明书。Certificate of Incumbency and Authority.

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这更增加了任职期间本已令人敬畏的权势。This has added to the already awesome power of incumbency.

在职业教育中绝大多数是中等职业教育的学生。In incumbency industry education great majority is medium etc.

美元作为避险货币的魅力,在一定程度上得益于它目前的角色。The dollar’s attractions as a bolthole are partly a benefit of incumbency.

一些人说马利基先生的召唤党将一败涂地,不管作为现任执政党拥有怎样的优势。Some say that Mr Maliki’s Dawa will do badly, whatever the advantages of incumbency.

教师任用资格与在职进修日益制度化、法律化。II. It increasingly systematizes and legalize that the teachers are appointed and they study with incumbency.

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在职员工的培训以课程体系里现有课程及各部门申请的培训课程为主。Incumbency personnel's training bases on existing courses in courses system and the course applied by every department.

所以,我们也不能运用自己所订下的仁义等行为标准,去评论弱肉强食的自然现象。So we don't comment on natural phenomenon of the law of jungle according to our moral criterion of kindness and incumbency.

尽管沃勒斯深孚众望并且在职,可是任何一个出色的共和党候选人都能有机会在1946年夺去他的席位。Any good republican candidate would have had a chance of unseating voorhis in 1946 despite his popularity and his incumbency.

本研究结果能提供护理养成教育与临床护理新进人员在职教育的参考。This research result can provide a nursing to develop the reference that education educates with clinical nursing novice's incumbency.

这个城市被称为这个国家的金融中心,其经济的发展在很大程度上仰仗银行义务和外贸。This city is named the nation's finance centre , and its economic development relies on bank incumbency and foreign trade to a great extent.

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那是在他的任职情况这个办事处表示,教会在东部地区开始被激动,由第一绵蛮,言语微细的孤星叛逆者异端。It was during his incumbency of this office that the Church in the East began to be agitated by the first mutterings of the Iconoclast heresy.

为此,我认为人们对仁义的涵意,对对错的标准,都是极其含混而模糊的,我们很难说清楚。I therefore think people's criteria of right and wrong, kindness and incumbency are very ambiguous and obscure so as to be difficult in making clear.

为此,我认为人们对所谓仁义的涵意、对对错的标准等所设下的定义及界定,都是极其含混而模糊不清的,我们也很难将之透彻的弄清楚、说分明。I therefore think people's criteria of right and wrong, kindness and incumbency are very ambiguous and obscure so as to be difficult in making it clear.

他认为美国官员构成的相对强势为通向权力的途径创造了障碍。He believes thatthe relative strength of incumbency in the U.S. creates a barrier to thecorridors of power, as does "the strength of religiousconservatives."

当统治者把一部分权力分给地方官员时,政府的在位优势上升,因而改变了原有的创新策略。When the central government delegates political power to the local, it helps to increase incumbency advantage which leads to change of innovation stratagems.

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这使工作市场很难进入,因此,仅凭学校考试的好成绩并不能使一个申请者在职场中脱颖而出。This can hardly make work market entered, therefore, rely on the good score that school examine only and can't make outshine others in an applicant incumbency field.

胜利为管文军医保的事情去找老总,刘建民突然现身,揭发胜利在职期间到他那面试的事,胜利被当场炒了鱿鱼。Victory for GuanWenJun medical insurance things to find old total, LiuJianMin burst onto the scene, expose victory incumbency to his interview, victory was fired on the spot.

然而,我国国有控股上市公司内却存在着严重的内部人控制问题,如利用职权牟取灰色收入、在职消费膨胀等。However, our Listed Companies of State-owned exist the serious Insider Control problem, for example making use of the job power to take the gray income, incumbency to consume to inflate etc.