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爱是个很好的激励因素。Love is a strong motivator.

资金是一种强大的动力。Money is a great motivator.

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激情是一个惊人的动力。Passion is an incredible motivator.

被老板表扬是一个强有力的激励因素。Being praised by a boss can be a very potent motivator.

也许最大的动力,就是让别人看你的减肥日志。Perhaps the greatest motivator of all is allowing others to see your log.

如果你能坚持写日记,它将成为很好的激励。If you are consistent about keeping a journal, it can be a great motivator.

在自励系统中,个体对未来结果的预期构成了个体行为的基本动力。In self-motivation system, the expectation of results is the main motivator.

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如果你在某时错过超过两个连续阶段的锻炼甚至更多,那么继续增加另外的动力源。If you miss two more consecutive workouts at any time, add another motivator.

如果你非常乐观地想做得更好,自我交谈就是最好的办法。If you are highly optimistic to do better, there is no better motivator than self-talk.

作为作家,明白自己对这个世界的重要性是一个强大的动力。Understanding how much you are vital to this world as a writer is a powerful motivator.

跟上领跑者的速度,这是莱科宁在拉力中前进的最大动力。Getting to the same speed as the top is Räikkönen's biggest motivator on the rally paths.

所以黄道带中的孩子——白羊座,在一个关系圈中往往是活跃分子,并想成为其中的主导者。So in a relationship, Aries, the child of the zodiac, is the motivator and wants to be the controller.

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我想渴望能找到相处起来舒服的人是个普遍的强大的动力。I think this desire to find someone you can feel comfortable with is universal and a powerful motivator.

另一个驱使自己朝目标努力的动力就是明白失败会给自己带来痛苦。Another motivator that will push you towards the goal is the pain you associate with not achieving your goal.

有意思的是,我本以为这短短的25米赛跑会成为他们的动力,但结果证明也是我的动力之一。Funny, I thought this little 25-meter race would be a motivator for them, but it turned out to be one for me as well.

波尔图和切尔西的球员都异口同声地承认穆里尼奥是位足智多谋的鼓动家及事无具细的组织者。The players at both Porto and Chelsea have attested to the fact Mourinho is a masterful motivator and meticulous organiser.

并不能把种族作为这个国家所发生的这类事件的触因,有些更好的理由来解释为什么。We're not supposed to talk about race as a motivator for these kinds of things in this country. There are some decent reasons why.

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碎纸机时钟只是一个概念,但的确是个好想法,这个概念来源于一个新的编撰,即金钱是伟大的早起动力。The Shredder Clock is just a concept, but it’s a pretty good idea, and a new spin on the notion that money is a great morning motivator.

对真诚、高质量和稳定性的期盼是一个重要的激发因素,这个因素反馈在你做了多少你说的事的评价上。The expectation of integrity, high quality and consistency is a great motivator that is fed by valuing the commitment to do what you say.

当研究人员比较不同情况下的参与者所拖弋的圆圈数量时发现足够多的金钱的确是一种激励。When the researchers looked at how many circles each group, on average, had dragged across the screen, sure enough money was a motivator.