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一个见习期一般需要3到7年时间。A residency is general ly between 3 and 7 years.

此政策对我的永居移民签证会有什么影响?How does this affect my application for permanent residency?

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所有这一切都是关于“线”的,线的终点是实习期的结束。It's all about lines. The finish line at the end of residency.

协助外师在当地警署办理临时住宿登记。Assist the FT to declare residency at the local police station.

我目前正在做与沙迦艺术基金会的居留项目。I am currently doing a residency with the Sharjah Art Foundation.

按照规定,只有具备该市居住许可的人方可参加该考试。Only those who have a residency permit in the city can take the exam.

设立人居住地决定该信讬税务居地身份。The residence of the settlor determines the tax residency of the trust.

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然而,在我做住院医生的最后一个月,睡眠已不再是个问题了。Now in the last month of my residency , sleeping was no longer a problem.

在某一特殊的管辖区,裁决依据构成居住权的条件而有很大不同。Rules differ, too, on what constitutes residency in a particular jurisdiction.

您的图书馆记录可能协助您提供DACA所要求的居住证明。Your library records might assist with proof of residency as required by DACA.

在美国135个麻醉学住院医师培训项目中,有90个已经做出了积极响应。Of the 135 anesthesiology residency programs in the United States, 90 responded.

实习期满后,药剂师必须要通过他们所在州的从医执照考试。After their residency , pharmacists must pass the license examination given by their state.

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克罗默先生计划在中国建立自己的业务基地,现在等候居留许可。Mr. Kromer plans to establish his base of operations in China, pending residency approvals.

我喜欢呆在富平这个地方,陶坊很大,给了我工作的动力。I like the residency in Fuping village, the factory is great and gives me inspiration to work.

下个月我将前往深圳观澜驻留两个月,这是我第三次来到这里。Next month I am heading for a two months residency in Guanlan, Shenzhen, which will be my third.

马表示鲁宾博物馆的目的是给游客带来体验的多重感觉。Ma says the goal of the Rubin Museum residency is to give visitors a multi-sensory of experience.

绿卡发布的最初期限为两年,但通常持绿卡的人都可以永久居住。The card is issued for an initial period of two years and generally leads to permanent residency.

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他在耶鲁大学医学院附属耶鲁纽黑文医院完成住院医师培训。He completed his residency in internal medicine at Yale-New Haven Hospital, Yale School of Medicine.

我能否使用现行的技术评估来申请永居?Will I be able to use an existing skills assessment to lodge an application for permanent residency?

李伟杰说,他的一些朋友正重新考虑海外定居的计划。Ski resort entrepreneur Li says some of his friends are reconsidering plans to get foreign residency.