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三天后,他在障碍跑比赛中以近75米的优势夺冠。Three days later, he won the steeplechase by 75 metres.

栏板中部刻有“弘济桥”三个大字。Engraved with the central steeplechase "Philip Bridge, " the three characters.

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上星期末,在障碍赛跑中肯雅人轻而易举地赢得了金牌。Later in the week, the Kenyans waltzed off with gold medal in the steeplechase.

上星期末,在障碍赛跑中肯尼亚人轻而易举地赢得了金牌。Later in the week, the Kenyans waltzed off with gold medal in the steeplechase.

它伫立在一些全新的游乐器材旁边,像是飞天老鹰和越野障碍赛马。It stands next to some brand-new rides called the Soarin' Eagle and Steeplechase.

在越野障碍赛马中,篱笆和水洼等障碍都是人为设置的。On steeplechase race courses, the hedges and water jumps are artificially constructed.

即使在平时,北京也被视为美食之都。Even during ordinary times, eating in Beijing could be considered a culinary steeplechase.

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我以前从没听过障碍赛跑。我相信如果我去参加,一定会被障碍物绊倒。I never heard of the steeplechase until today. I'm sure I would fall over the obstacles if I were running.

在北京奥运会上,公开水域长泳将成为游泳的一个项目,女子障碍赛将纳入田径运动中。In Beijing, open water swimming will become part of swimming, while women's steeplechase will be added to athletics.

一个伟大的游乐园与世界博览的年代。他的父亲经常讲着关于那个科尼岛上一个叫马术障碍赛的地方。A time of great amusement parks and world's fairs. His father used to talk about a place in Coney called Steeplechase.

在阿姆斯特丹奥运会上,鲁米在10000米赛跑中获得他历史性的第九枚金牌,并在5000米长跑和3000米越野障碍赛中分别获得一枚银牌。And Nurmi claimed his historic ninth gold medal in Amsterdam, winning the 10,000m as well as silver in the 5000m and 3000m steeplechase.

赛马美联社麦科伊庆祝推后不要在大国家在安特里赛马场障碍赛在它赢得利物浦4月10日。Jockey AP McCoy celebrates after winning on Don't Push It at The Grand National steeplechase at Aintree Racecourse in Liverpool April 10.

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同时,分析世界3000米障碍跑运动发展的社会变化与特点,为3000米障碍跑持续发展提供合理化建议与有效途径奠定理论基础。At the same time, analysis 3000m Steeplechase from the angle of the world, and propose reasonable proposals for the development of 3000m Steeplechase.

本研究以国家女子3000米障碍队两名运动员为研究对象,以文献资料法、访谈法、数据统计分析法等作为研究方法。By using the methods of document, interview and mathematical statistical, this passage study on two national athletes of women 3000meters steeplechase.

Ioran巴西旅行Etchechury和跌倒在男子2000米障碍赛第一天的青年奥运会四年8月18日在新加坡碧山体育场入水。Ioran Etchechury of Brazil trips and falls into the water during the Boys 2000m Steeplechase on day four of the Youth Olympics at Bishan Stadium on August 18, 2010 in Singapore.

提出社会因素在3000米障碍跑项目中的重要性。并建议从社会因素的角度下研究和分析,真正为该项目的发展指明方向。Point out the importance of social factors in the development of 3000m Steeplechase, and give the advice that we should study it from social angle to develop 3000m Steeplechase.