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现在,托特独自上封面。Now Mr. Toth is featured alone.

毫无疑问,菲利普斯是个颇有号召力的演说家。Phillips was a featured speaker.

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它精选软和硬顶版本。It featured soft- and hardtop versions.

我们发现此儿酷似其母。We find the mother featured in the son.

它同样以涵道桨为特色。It also featured an enclosed tail rotor.

他也曾上过电视新闻节目。He's also been featured on TV news shows.

今年的展览精选15名最丑狗代表。This year's show featured 15 participants.

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后来它放弃将后者作为其“个性”财务指标。It later dropped that as its featured metric.

这些建筑在那部剧中很显眼。The houses prominently featured in that show.

它是由香港影星成龙主演。It featured the HongKong movie star Chenglong.

真人秀经常以同性恋人为特色。Reality shows have always featured queer folk.

报纸以显著地位报道那个事件。The newspaper featured the story of the event.

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该报以显著地位报导谋杀案。The newspaper featured the story of the murder.

目前,片区的“多功能”是其最大的特征。This district is featured by it multi-functions.

还有一种迷信是同核桃树有关的。Yet another superstition featured a walnut tree.

在我与菲利普最初的相遇中,饭局起了很重要的作用。In my early encounters with Philip, food featured.

它列出了一些怪异和有趣的巧合。It featured some spooky and some happy coincidences.

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她的卡特色是花边、纸花和叶子。Her cards featured lace and paper flowers and leaves.

各报均以显著的位置刊载了这条消息。This news was prominently featured in all the papers.

男演员在这部新影片中扮演重要角色。The latest popular actor is featured in this new film.