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耶稣就进去,要同他们住下。And he went in to tarry with them.

旅游者们将在一个旅店里逗留。The tourists will tarry at an inn.

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但我仍要在厄弗所逗留到五旬节。But I will tarry at Ephesus until Pentecost.

做你认为你必须做的吧,但别太久。Do what you feel you must, but do not tarry overlong.

我得呆在家里,照顾好我的小珠儿。I must tarry at home, and keep watch over my little Pearl.

还是一个平坦的腹部才能留住漂亮。The abdominal ability tarry that still is an evenness is beautiful.

今晚就留下来陪我吧,亲爱的,一年只求你这一夜。Pray, tarry with me this night, dear husband, of all nights in the year!

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腹痛、消瘦、贫血、黑便症状基本得到控制。Abdominal pain , emaciation , anaemia and tarry stool were under control.

图为被冰川雕刻的欧克派拉克山谷,远足者逗留在羊胡子草地之中。Hikers tarry in a patch of cotton grass in glacier-carved Okpilak valley.

因为还有一点点时候,那要来的就来,并不迟延。For yet a little while, and he that shall come will come, and will not tarry.

而只要商人们在城中逗留,这便是他们的习俗。And this is their custom with all merchants as long as they tarry in the city.

一位三十三岁女性因为吐血及黑便而住院,病患曾因腹部穿刺伤在他院接受剖腹探查术。A 33-year-old woman was admitted due to hematemesis and passage of tarry stool.

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“我的心属于我的爱人,”他回答说,“莫再流连,你走吧。”My heart is my love's, ' he answered, `therefore tarry not, but get thee gone.'

告诉他们说,可以住在耶利哥,等到胡须长起再回来。And the king said, Tarry at Jericho until your beards be grown, and then return.

怎么样才可以学会忘记那些不愉快的而去留住那些美好的?How can you just learn to forget those unpleasantness and go tarry of those happiness?

我在旷野的渡口那里等你们报信给我。See, I will tarry in the plain of the wilderness, until there come word from you to certify me.

22耶稣对他说,我若要他等到我来的时候,与你何干?你跟从我吧。Jesus saith unto him, If I will that he tarry till I come, what is that to thee? follow thou me.

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克洛伊在她搅拌茶的时候知道的,等待稍后的汤。Chloe knows as she stirs her tea, stirs what is now gungy, tarry soup, that she is already in the after.

达里镇的赛马比赛他总是赢家,赢得了许多奖项。而且,布罗姆总是骑着他的马。He always won the horse races in Tarry Town and earned many prizes. Brom was never seen without a horse.

塔瑞村位于睡谷附近,它是许多年前来自荷兰的人建立的。Near Sleepy Hollow is a village called Tarry Town. It was settled many years ago by people from Holland.