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疯得像只三月的野兔。Mad as a March Hare.

你是怎么猎获这只兔子的?How did you bag the hare?

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狮子搏兔。The lion pounced on the hare.

“哈瑞奎师那。”他温柔地说道。Hare Krsna, " he said softly."

猎人们追踪到那只熊并把它杀了。The hunter was tracking a hare.

野兔像飞箭似的逃跑了。The hare darted off like an arrow.

“哦它是你!”兔性急地说。Oh it's you! " said Hare irritably ."

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“真是笑话,我可以边玩边以及你竞走。”兔子说。"that is a good joke, " said the hare.

靠敲锣打鼓抓不到兔子。Drumming is not the way to catch a hare.

“他们连汗都没出,”黑尔说。"They didn't break a sweat, " said Hare.

像麻雀吓苍鹰,草兔吓狮子一般。As sparrows eagles, or the hare the lion.

是唯一想要成功旳那个唯一。Theone that I gotta hare just to succeed.

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接着,小兔子有了一个好主意。Then Little Nutbrown Hare had a good idea.

月宫里,有一只可爱的玉兔陪伴她。In the palace, a jade hare accompanies her.

一天,他看见一只野兔从山上跑下来。One day, he saw a hare running down the hill.

野兔像鸟一样快速掠去。The hare dart off with the velocity of a bird.

小兔吃太饱了,它跑不动了。The hare is too full. He can't run so quickly.

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一只兔子掉进了坑里,杰克把它救了上来。A hare fell into a pit, and Jack helped it out.

一只惊慌的野兔从狗洞里逃走。A startled hare fled through the kennel's hole.

野兔沿着林中空地的边缘飞快跑去。The hare darted along the edge of the clearing.