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没问题。我会说两种语言。Sure. I'm bilingual.

有的。我们也有双语版的。Yes. We also have bilingual version.

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相对当地的白人。They tend to be bilingual and bicultural.

欢迎来到潍坊市北海双语学校!Welcome to Weifang Beihai Bilingual School !

也就是说我的博客很快就会是双语版。It means that my blog will be bilingual soon.

孩子们在拼英语拼板。The kids are playing bilingual jigsaw puzzle.

中国现代文学中英对照系列。Bilingual series on modern Chinese literature.

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敏思是青岛第一份中英双语读物!MINS is the first bilingual magazine in Qingdao.

加拿大是一个双语国家,这点对我帮助也很大。It also helped me,Canada being a bilingual country,

我能全世界各地旅行,就是因为我会两种语言。I've travelled the world just because I'm bilingual.

有的人说两种语言,那么他们都说什么Some people were bilingual. So, what did they speak?

这就是为什么就连双语的医生也要依赖于口译员。It is why even bilingual doctors rely on interpreters.

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令我惊讶的是,这部影片竟然有两语字幕。It surprised me that this film has got bilingual caption.

芮成钢说,童年时候他就接受双语教育,受到中西文化的影响。As a child, Mr. Rui says, he was bilingual and bicultural.

芮成刚说,在童年时候,他接受的是双语和双文化。As a child, Mr. Rui says, he was bilingual and bicultural.

学会两种语言是一种很大的财富,资产。Being bilingual is an extremely valuable, you know, asset.

他们是真正、也是难得的华英双语精英。They are the true and rare Chinese-English bilingual elites.

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我住在仙河镇,我在启航双语学校四年级二班上学。I'm studying at Qihang bilingual school, in Class 2, Grade 4.

使用手语的人面临的困难跟其他使用双语的人一样。Signers can face the same problems as other bilingual people.

一个关注的问题是缺乏合格的双语教师。One area of concern is a lack of qualified bilingual teachers.