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我很擅长说西班牙语。I'm good at Spanish.

你怎么会说西班牙语?How do you know Spanish?

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他会讲一点西班牙语。He speaks a little Spanish.

我本人说法语与西班牙语。I speak French and Spanish.

我特别擅长说西班牙语。I'm really good at Spanish.

你开始幻想西班牙队了?Still fancying the Spanish?

我说英语和西班牙语。I speak English and Spanish.

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我多少懂一点儿西班牙语。I have only a little Spanish.

可能是法语或者西班牙语。It might be French or Spanish.

他温习了一下西班牙语。He gave his Spanish a brush-up.

在巴塔哥尼亚学习西班牙语,阿根廷Spanish in Patagonia, Argentina

西班牙口音也一样。Neither are all Spanish accents.

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美国解救了西班牙的忠诚党America save the Spanish Loyalists

你从什么时候起开史学西班牙语?From when did you pick up Spanish?

这是西班牙画家委拉斯凯兹的名作Here's the famous Spanish painter.

现在我也在辅修西班牙语。I'm minoring in Spanish right now.

我正在练习我的西班牙语。I've been boning up on my Spanish.

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只有拉丁西班牙语和法语!Latin- America Spanish and French!

在我国的大学里教西班牙语。Spanish is taught in our colleges.

西班牙有名地有午休。The Spanish famously have siestas.