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我那里有上百根呢。I've got hundreds ofthem.

会出现成百上千条搜索结果。there are hundreds of them.

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可能是零,也可能是数百。It could be zero or hundreds.

结果,百来位出席者都参与了。Hundreds of people participated.

所以我们有几百个专利。And so we have hundreds of patents.

数百条海鳗把他盖住了。He was covered by hundreds of eels.

数以百计的人正守在那儿。Hundreds of people are waiting there.

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我每天阅读上百条新闻线索。I read hundreds of news sources a day.

距河面几百尺高。It's hundreds of feet above the river.

医院病床,几百盒鞋子,人体模特。Hundreds of boxes of shoes. A mannequin.

那个农础主在他的农场里养了几摆透诸。The farmer keeps hundreds of on his farm.

我给你二张一百元和一枚十元硬币。Here's two hundreds and a ten-dollar coin.

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数以百计的羊被关在栏中待售。Hundreds of sheep were corralled for sale.

百年树人,减少九十年,十年树人。Some trees can live for hundreds of years.

森林曼延数百哩。The forests stretch for hundreds of miles.

这些城镇现已收容了数百名国内流离失所者。These towns already host hundreds of IDPs.

数以百计的奴隶被驱入栏中等待出售。Hundreds of slaves were corralled for sale.

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数以百计的逃犯仍逍遥法外。Hundreds of those convicts remain at large.

几百里以外的窗玻璃都碎了。Windows hundreds of miles away were broken.

刻在你脆弱的心间也许千斤重负在肩。Your weak mind may bear hundreds of burden.