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其中大部分是无害的。Much of it is innocuous.

这项决议案不痛不痒。This is an innocuous resolution.

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甘蔗蟾蜍表面上绝对无害。Cane toads are seemingly innocuous enough.

碘杀菌剂是一种高效无毒的杀菌剂。Iodine bactericide is an innocuous high-effect germicide.

甚至连最无关紧要的言论都会被起诉。Even the most innocuous utterances were subject to prosecution.

可笑的是这种无害的小型车竟然能得到如此多的嘲笑。Funny that an innocuous runabout could stir such feelings of derision.

想想有没有你觉得无伤大雅可是却会让别人难堪的话题。Think about how topics that seem innocuous to you might upset someone else.

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除了平淡乏味的报道,这儿的新闻记者将一切通过鸽子传递出去。Many journalists here choose to pigeon all but the most innocuous of stories.

他们上罗马一家无名又无害的地下室糕饼店去。A small, innocuous bakery hidden in a basement in a nondescript district in Rome.

是一些决定性的突变让这种良性的猩猩病毒变身为人类杀手的吗?Had a few, fateful mutations changed an innocuous chimp virus into a human killer?

我不明白为何这本对儿童无害的书竟会引起如此的骚动。I don't understand how such an innocuous children's book could cause such an uproar.

总之,在索尼案中法庭认为它处理的是一个通常无伤大雅的技术。In sum, the Court in Sony thought it was dealing with a mostly innocuous technology.

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三甲氧笨乙胺无毒,它的效力八到十小时就过去了。Mescaline is completely innocuous and its effects will pass off after eight or ten hours.

因为李开复的自传中一句相对无关紧要的话而公然地对他进行抨击--这看起来似乎有些反应过激。To publicly flog Lee for that relatively innocuous sentence in his book seems a bit much.

这种观念的变化反映在各个方面,有些甚至是无害可言,也是微不足道的。Evidence of this shift in values is all around. Some of the signs are seemingly innocuous.

最新的修改是将上帝换成宙斯,罗马升华被认为是无伤大雅的。The new edict is to substitute Zeus for God, Roman mythology being deemed suitably innocuous.

许多的性展品非常的直露,这里列示的只是不敏感的一些。Many of the exhibits are sexually very explicit. Shown here are only a few innocuous examples.

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结果表明,经化学抛光后的铜及其合金表面光亮,达到镜面效果。The result concludes that the polishing solution is innocuous and harmless to the environment.

这种似乎不关痛痒的袭击的效果比乍看上去大得多,影响很广泛。The results of this seemingly innocuous raid were more widespread than appears at first glance.

其他的长老一个接一个怯生生地站起来,提出了一些不关痛痒的要求,拉姆全热情地接纳了。One by one the other elders now timidly rise with innocuous requests, which rahm receives warmly.