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雾笛阀门。Whistle Valve.

为什么有呼啸声?Why does it whistle?

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葛雷,吹口哨招招风吧。Gray, whistle for a wind.

火车汽笛响了。The train whistle tooted.

号笛控制在什么地方?Where is whistle control?

号笛控制在控制台。Whistle control on console.

狗听到他的哨声就来了。The dog came to his whistle.

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有汽笛么?““有,“Has it got a whistle?" "Yes."

汽笛响么?““响,“Does the whistle blow?" "Yes."

别牢骚,来记口哨。Don't grumble, give a whistle.

你能听到火车的鸣笛声吗?Can you hear the train whistle?

只要一吹口哨我就会来。Just whistle and I'll be there.

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轮船上的汽笛呜呜叫。The ship's whistle kept hooting.

我们听到了火车的汽笛声。We heard the whistle of a train.

卫兵正在吹哨子。The guard is blowing his whistle.

我们鸣笛与过往船打招呼。We spoke a ship with the whistle.

请同时吹口哨又哼歌。Whistle and hum at the same time.

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如果走失了,原地呆着,吹哨子。STAY PUT and blow whistle if lost.

如果可能的话可以用哨子。Use a whistle if one is available.

他吹了一声响亮的口哨表示惊讶。He gave a loud whistle of surprise.