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濑鱼在锚珊瑚里。Wrasse in anchor coral.

如果石斑鱼吃掉濑鱼,它的牙齿将得不到清理。If the grouper ate the wrasse , it wouldn't get cleaned.

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一条拿破仑的濑鱼巡游在密克罗西亚群岛海洋的沿岸而游。Napoleon wrasse patrols the waters off the coast of Palau in Micronesia.

崔英真给了道英一个任务,三天时间里抓到裴濑焕。Cui Ying really gave English a task, caught pei wrasse haun three days time.

清洁鱼干活的时候宿主可以轻易地把它吞下去。The clients could easily swallow the cleaner wrasse while it is going about its job.

石斑鱼允许小濑鱼进入口中清除寄生虫。The grouper is allowing the small cleaner wrasse into its mouth to clean off parasites.

濑鱼并未成为石斑鱼的午餐,反而却为它水下洁牙。Far from being the grouper's lunch the wrasse is actually acting as an underwater toothbrush.

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一只闪亮的幼年濑鱼栖息在印度尼西亚花岛附近的锚状珊瑚里。Shining bright, a juvenile wrasse takes shelter in anchor coral off Flores Island, Indonesia.

蝠鲼会定期造访“清理站”,在那里,小濑鱼会帮助它们清理身上的寄生虫。Manta rays regularly visit “cleaning stations” where small wrasse fish clean them of parasites.

几年前,在红海底一只沉船里工作的潜水员几次看到一条20英尺长的濑鱼。A few years ago pers, working in a wreck under the Red Sea, several times sighted a wrasse 20 feet long.

几年前,在红海底一只沉舟里工作的潜水员几次看到一条20英尺长的濑鱼。A few years ago divers, working in a wreck under the Red Sea, several times sighted a wrasse 20 feet long.

几年前,在红海底一只沉船里工作的潜水员几次看到一条20英尺长的濑鱼。A few years ago divers, working in a wreck under the Red Sea, several times sighted a wrasse 20 feet long.

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清洁工濑鱼并不区别对待雄性和雌性的鲨鱼,这表明两者都一样脏。The cleaner wrasse did not discriminate between male and female sharks, suggesting both get equally dirty.

几年前,在红海底一只沉船里工作的潜水员几次看到一条20英尺长的濑鱼。A few years ago spaners, working in a wreck under the Red Sea, several times sighted a wrasse 20 feet long.

颜色鲜艳的圣达哥濑鱼吸引世界各地的潜水爱好者来到普奈茨海洋保护区。Undisturbed species like Sandager's wrasse attract sport divers from around the globe to Poor Knights reserve.

其中最有趣的就是拿破仑鱼,也就是隆头鱼,是因为牠额头上奇特的隆起物而得名。One of the most interesting fish is the Napoleon or Humphead wrasse , named for the unusual lump on its forehead.

在那里,饥饿而喜欢吃小东西的清洁工濑鱼会将鲨鱼的死皮、外部寄生虫以及其他讨厌的东西去除。There, hungry and detail-driven cleaner wrasse fish rid sharks of dead skin, external parasites and other undesirables.

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在石斑鱼从后逼近,显然准备突袭时,明蓝色的濑鱼看似完全清楚自己的命运。The bright blue wrasse seems completely oblivious to his fate as the larger fish looms close behind him, apparently ready to pounce.

近日一种亚洲羊头濑鱼因其诡异的相貌特征被冠以新名“史莱克”。According to Daily Mail of September 2, a type of Asian sheepshead wrasse off the Japanese coast have 'Shrek' as its new name because of bizarre features.

新品种包括一种用鳍在海底漫游的夜行鲨,及一种咖啡色的隆头科鱼类,这种鱼藉由发出五彩斑斓的闪光来吸引雌鱼。The new species include a small nocturnal shark that walks across the sea floor on its fins and a "flasher" wrasse , a brown fish that flashes brilliant colors to attract females.