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激动使得他狂热。The excitement fevered him.

护士擦拭了他发烫的前额。The nurse mopped his fevered brow.

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发烧的人会有什么症状?What symptom can fevered person have?

我们已经形成了一种对狂热行为的迷恋。We have made a fetish of fevered action.

没有什么比住房贷款更热。Nowhere was borrowing more fevered than in housing.

他们不理解一个词,他发烧的答复。They have not understood a word of his fevered reply.

感冒和发烧的现象有什么区别?What distinction do cold and fevered phenomenon have?

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快要死的人感激地向堂抬起他激动的眼睛。The dying man raised his fevered eyes gratefully to the Don.

为什么幼儿打完防疫针以后会有发烧的不良反应?Why can there be fevered undesirable reaction after cheeper hits inoculation?

而十年前,在激昂的大学时代,这还是我非常痛恨的字眼。However, ten years ago, in the fevered college age, that's the word I hate the most.

当魔法师伸出手触摸他火热的额头,怒火点燃了这孩子的双眼。As the Conjurer reaches out to touch his fevered brow, a burning fire ignites in the child's eyes.

在这里,我们清楚我们的伴侣,既无神秘感亦无燃烧激昂罗曼史的不定性。Here, we know our partner. There's neither the mystery nor the uncertainty to stoke fevered romance.

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谁能告诉我婴儿如果在发烧的情况下打防疫针会有什么后果?Who can if be hit below fevered circumstance, tell me the baby what to consequence inoculation can have?

他感到它的皮毛在他脖子的一侧抚摸着,紧接着是它的尾巴和热乎乎的鼻子。He felt its fur like a caress on the side of his neck, and then the touch of its whiskers and fevered nose.

它让人们不需要窃取选举或者攻击对手也能激烈地讨论政治。It enables people to have fevered debate in politics without stealing elections or shooting the opposition.

除了路易斯·亨利·盖茨狂热的想象力之外,那么请问,克罗利行事是以种族貌相取人的证据在哪里?Outside the fevered imagination of Louis Henry Gates, then, where is the evidence Crowley engaged in racial profiling?

近来这种趋势愈演愈烈,已经到了白热化阶段,如果我们还想恢复市场经济的机能,还想重建一个繁荣的经济,这类事情必须要有一个了断。It has reached a fevered pitch lately and it needs to end if we are ever to regain a functional and prosperous economy.

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妈妈总在那里,倾听孩子的诉说,说些安慰的话、给他温暖的拥抱,或在他发烧的小额头上轻轻地摸一摸。She is there when the children need a listening ear, a comforting word, a warm hug, or a loving touch on a fevered brow.

还有关于中国准备收购海外战略资产,并将很快“拥有世界”的狂热猜测。There s been fevered speculation of how China is poised to acquire strategic overseas assets and will soon own the world.

在享受了十年的中国经济增长后,他成了中国500富人之一。After adecade riding the wave of China's fevered economic growth, he made it on to alist of the country's 500 richest people.