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门被吹开了。The flame blew out.

性命是一束污浊的火焰。Life is apure flame.

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贝蒂是我的老情人。Betty was my old flame.

他脸红似火。He flushed red as flame.

烛焰灭了。The candle's flame doused.

火山猛喷火焰。The volcano belched flame.

从燃烧着的木头上腾起一道火焰。A flame darted from the logs.

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乔治又有了新相好。George has another new flame.

骑士队风火轮火焰?。Team Hot Wheels Flame Riders?

这火焰,就是日珥。This flame is the prominence.

“跳火”,那个飞行员就是这么叫的。Flame out, the pilot calls it.

火山喷出火焰和岩浆。A volcano spouts flame and lava.

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这房子被火吞灭了。The house was eaten up by flame.

闷火很快变为烈焰。The smolder will soon be a flame.

你还见过你的旧情人吗?Have you ever seen your old flame?

偶只是一束没有热量的火焰。I'm just a flame without the heat.

你还见过你的老情人?have you ever seen your old flame?

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光明的火焰撑起了所有的希望A bright flame Chengqi all the hope

因为我知道激情还没有消退。Cause i know this flame isnt dying.

一条黄色的火舌直冲上天。A yellow tongue of flame shot upwards.