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自支持架空安装。Self-support aerial installation.

鸟瞰维米,爪哇,印度尼西亚,1994。Vimy Aerial View, Java, Indonesia, 1994

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第三种方法是低空伞投系统。LAPES is the third aerial delivery method.

这是世上首次出现空中轰炸。It was the world’s first aerial bombardment.

高空作业车是一种小型起重机械。Aerial vehicle is a small lifting appliances.

那些鸟栖在电视天线上.The birds perched upon the television aerial.

这时,他给我打电话要求空中定位支援。At that point he phoned me for aerial support.

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装上新天线后画面清晰多了。The picture is much clearer with the new aerial.

之前见过有榕树气根被剪,或者被人「扎辫」,觉得好痛心。BTW, do you think the aerial roots have been cut?

这是维多利亚瀑布的空照图片。This is the aerial top view of the Victoria Falls.

每星期有多少节空中瑜珈班?How many aerial yoga classes do you have every week?

植物体气生部分角质层发达。Plants developed aerial part of the stratum corneum.

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一条架空索道横跨于黄河之上。An aerial cableway is set up across the Yellow River.

系留气球是一种应用广泛的空中平台。Tethered aerostat is widely used as an aerial platform.

试试将天线放在那里——可能效果会好点。Try putting the aerial over there-it might work better.

因此,首先,让我们的开放空中的帕拉尼亚克菲尔斯观。So, to begin, let's open Aerial View of Paranaque PHILS.

但现在,WCS在针对这片公园的航空调查中还没有发现水牛的踪迹。Today, WCS aerial surveys of the park have sighted none.

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一本东瀑布教堂新城规划区鸟瞰图。Aerial view of the East Falls Church Metro Planning Area.

这是平壤附近的一个鸵鸟农场的鸟瞰图。This is an aerial view of an ostrich farm near Pyongyang.

本文介绍了一种简易结构的步进分幅式航空相机。A simple structure step framing aerial camera is presented.