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他斜靠在四门的雪弗莱。He leaned against the four-door Chevy sedan.

所以我的雪弗莱可能也有灵魂,只是我看不到而已。So my ’52 Chevy probably did have a soul. I just

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我正有你要找的,一辆65年的雪佛兰。I've got just what you're looking for a '65 Chevy.

我喜欢开我的雪佛兰四驱越野皮卡车。I like to drive my Monster Chevy Silverado 4X4 pickup truck.

梅比莉说阿森纽斯未来的大舅哥肯定在惦记着我的雪佛兰。Maybelle said Arsenius' future brothers-in-law must miss my Chevy.

大多数购置极不容易福特卡车或应归人。The majority of trucks are bought by die hard Ford or Chevy people.

卡普拉克从奥利里的雪佛兰前走向办公室。Carpluk walked in front of O'Leary's Chevy and approached the office.

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一辆50年代末的雪佛兰汽车驶过哈瓦那的海边。A late 1950s Chevy drives along the Havana coastline on Nov. 16, 2008.

西莉亚驾驶的那辆红色雪佛兰有一定的年头,开在整条街上的破车中间,瞧上去倒也挺顺眼。Her old red Chevy looked right at home among the junkers in the street.

燃油动力的乘用车很少能打败雪佛兰伏特。Very few gas-powered passenger cars can beat the Chevy Volt off the line.

现在我开的是一辆雪佛兰伏特混合动力车,昨天跑了140迈/加仑。Right now I'm driving a Chevy Volt hybrid car. Yesterday, I got 140 m.p.g.

今年下半年,即插型雪佛兰和纯电日产即将下线。Late this year, the plug-in Chevy Volt and pure-electric Nissan Leaf arrive.

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而旧雪佛来的轮胎又有硬币大小的气孔,开始漏气。The tires on the old Chevy had the consistency of penny balloons and began to leak.

一家美国装备的韩国LG化学公司将建立电池工厂为雪佛兰提供电池。An American arm of the Korean company LG Chem will build batteries for the Chevy Volt.

我和苏珊把她妈妈的黑色贝里塔车装满了复活节礼筐。She and I loaded her mom's black Chevy Beretta to the ceiling with the Easter baskets.

的雪佛兰卡玛洛将再次有一个盯着电影中的作用,返回的“大黄蜂”。The Chevy Camaro will again have a staring role in the film, returning as "Bumblebee."

这款两座雪佛兰车的官方最高时速为205迈。In the case of this snarling Chevy coupe, that would be an official top speed of 205 mph.

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雪佛兰贝尔维迪抛了锚,把我们丢在一小片蚊虫横行的丛林中。Down went the Chevy Belvidere, which left us stranded in a small, mosquito-infested jungle.

通用汽车公司正在马里兰州建一家新的汽车制造工厂,用于生产雪佛兰伏特,以满足人们对这款轿车的需求。General Motors is building a new Maryland plant to meet demand for motors for its Chevy Volt.

但是过了一会儿,我又因为我可以区别丰田,福特,和雪福来的标识而感到骄傲。But then, I was just proud I could distinguish between the symbols for Toyota, Ford, and Chevy.