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就像花开处处香。Just like a blooming flower.

那扇门是朝花园开的。There are the blooming shrubs.

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你看上去健康健旺。You look healthy and blooming.

红梅绽放夺天爱。Hongmei blooming love away days.

一枝腊梅开。Lo, what a blooming wintersweet!

骄春花盛放,欣欣向荣。The Spring flowers are blooming.

春天真是一个百花争艳的季节。Spring is a flower blooming season.

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而且他们现在开花了。And they're blooming with flowers now.

漫山遍野都是盛开的梅花。Plum blossoms are blooming everywhere.

丹芙妮是位妩媚动人的仙女。Daphne was a lovely blooming fairy maiden.

像樱花一样开的又久又美。Like a flower blooming long and beautiful.

到达扫帚糜子盛开的茶。Arrived the tea broom corn millet blooming.

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我望向繁花盛开的世界。I look to the flowers blooming in the world.

山谷里玫瑰花长得丰茂。The rose in the valley is blooming so sweet.

礼炮缤纷空中啸,花团锦簇新人笑。Air gun salute profusion, blooming new smile.

我家后院又见蓝花藤盛开。Sandpaper Vine at my backyard blooming again.

百花怒放。Hundreds of flowers are blooming in profusion.

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玫瑰里开出你红裙的轻盈。Your graceful skirts are the blooming rose red.

愿你的人生之路铺满鲜花。May your road ahead paved with blooming flowers.

青青的草,翠翠的树,花儿正在开放。Grass and trees were green, flower were blooming.