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不再有蜂窝性组织炎的发生。There was no more attacks of cellulitis.

弥漫性蜂窝织炎的抗菌素治疗应是强有力的。Antibiotic therapy for diffuse cellulitis should be aggressive.

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若病情发展至隔膜前蜂窝织炎,则应全身使用抗生素。Systemic antibiotics are reserved for the development of preseptal cellulitis.

眼窝峰窝组织炎大多来自眼窝外感染。Orbital cellulitis results almost exclusively from infections beyond the orbit.

症状通常是伤口疼痛和化脓性蜂窝组织炎排水。Presenting symptoms are usually wound site pain with cellulitis and purulent drainage.

筛窦炎在儿童中常并发眼眶蜂窝织炎及脓肿。Ethmoid sinusitis is frequently complicated in children by orbital cellulitis and abscess.

筛窦炎在儿童中常并发眼眶蜂窝织炎及脓肿。Ethmoid sinusitis is frequently complicated in children by orbital cellulitis and abscess.

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痊愈后,追踪三年,未再复发下肢蜂窝组织炎及疣状皮肤结核。Neither cellulitis nor tuberculosis verrucosa cutis relapsed during the follow-up of 3 years.

链球菌和葡萄球菌是引起许许多多不同感染的原因。Two of these groups of micro organisms, streptococci and staphylococci , are generally the main cause of cellulitis.

眶蜂窝组织炎常常由急性副鼻窦炎引起,假如没有得到正确的处理能够导致严重的预后不良。Orbital Cellulitis commonly results from acute sinusitis & can lead to disastrous outcomes if not appropriately treated.

结论儿童重症口底蜂窝织炎的全身抗感染及局部切开引流至关重要。Conclusion The key to treat serious cellulitis of floor of mouth is systemic anti-infection and topical incision and drainage.

患者有下肢获得性迟发性淋巴水肿病史,并曾因复发蜂窝织炎而多次入院治疗。The patient had a history of lymphedema tarda in the legs and had been admitted several times before with recurrent cellulitis.

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结果12例儿童重症口底蜂窝织炎经抗感染和局部切开引流后全部治愈。Results 12 cases with serious cellulitis of floor of mouth were all cured by systemic anti-infection and topical incision and drainage.

下肢蜂窝组织炎是临床上常见的伺机性细菌感染病症,多续发于足部之微小伤口。Cellulitis of lower extremities is frequently encountered and results from a breach of the skin and inoculation of opportunistic bacteria.

蜂窝组织炎发生之机率亦从术前总数22次降低至术后总数9次。Moreover, the incidence of cellulitis exhibited a significant reduction from a preoperative total of 22 times to a postoperative total of nine times.

及时取出球内或眶内异物、足量敏感抗生素的使用是治疗眼外伤所致眶蜂窝组织炎及预防并发症的关键。Prompt surgery and sufficient sensitivity antibiotics were important means for the treatment of traumatic orbital cellulitis and prevention complications.

眶蜂窝组织炎代表一组病变,从眶周感染到骨膜下及眶内脓肿到海绵窦血栓。Orbital cellulitis represents a group of conditions ranging from periorbital inflammation to subperiosteal and orbital abscess to cavernous sinus thrombosis.

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眼眶蜂窝织炎典型表现为发热,眼睑发红、肿胀、触痛,且近期常有鼻窦炎或上呼吸道感染病史。Orbital cellulitis typically presents with fever and an erythematous, swollen, tender eyelid with a recent history of sinusitis or upper respiratory tract infection.

广泛的炎性症状、眼睑红斑形成、疼痛、视力下降和眼球运动失调,眼眶蜂窝组织炎是一个主要的鉴别诊断。Extensive signs of inflammation, eyelid erythema, pain, visual loss and motility disturbance may be present. Orbital cellulitis is an important consideration in the differential diagnosis.