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然而在希腊神话中,他倒真是一个国王。He is instead a Greek mythological king.

平正这种工作是一个虚拟的观念。It is a mythological concept, this justice business.

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这是反对的语言学和神话的学校。It is opposed by the Philological and Mythological schools.

它就像一条深海蛇龙从某个童话故事中而来。It looked like a giant sea serpent from some mythological fairytale.

这座建筑装饰着神话人物,阿西娜和爱马仕。This building is adorned with mythological characters, Athena and Hermes.

排灯节,一个为期五天的灯火的节日,有多个不同的神话学的习俗。Diwali, a five-day festival of lights, has several different mythological traditions.

在古希腊神话里,到处都可以看到潘神由于这个癖好而到处惹祸的故事。Greek mythological stories of Faun often place him in dilemmas because of his desires.

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维曼拿斯是神话般的飞行器,在古代印度的文献里有描写。A vimana is a mythological flying machine, described in the ancient literature of India.

亚历山大对神话人物阿基里斯的着迷,令母亲欧琳皮娅皇后欣喜不已。Alexander's obsession with the mythological Achilles pleases his mother, Queen Olympias.

如它的希腊神话同名者,星云与一戏剧性的变化相关。Like its mythological namesake, the nebula is associated with a dramatic transformation.

人鱼一个露背礼服都带来了一些神话和优雅的一笔,一个女孩的比喻。A halter mermaid dress all brings some mythological and elegant touches to a girl' s analogy.

他是一个希腊神话中的国王,他的父亲是宙斯,他的母亲是一个名为普鲁特的仙女。He is instead a Greek mythological king.His father was Zeus and his mother a nymph named Pluto.

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汪建伟的兴趣广泛,从日常生活到历史和神话传说。Wang Jianwei's range of interests embraces both the mundane and the historical or mythological.

他被一个希腊神话中的国王所代替,他的父亲是宙斯,他的母亲是一个名为普鲁特的仙女。He is instead a Greek mythological king. His father was Zeus and his mother a nymph named Pluto.

这位波士顿半岛的第一位定居人和半神话的人物,在我们早期的编年史中,常可读到他骑在马背上四处行走。That half mythological personage who rides through our early annals seated on the back of a bull.

在陪伴人类上千年的动物之中,猫扮演过所有类型的神秘角色。As companion animals for humans for thousands of years, cats play all sorts of mythological roles.

据爱兰德市的史学家说,这种西方式的手持双枪的丘比特图案与神话传说相适应。According to Loveland historians this western style two-gun Cupid conforms to mythological tradition.

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广告名为“凤凰”是因凤凰是神话中一种可以浴火重生的鸟类。The ad is titled "Phoenix" because a Phoenix is a mythological bird that is born and reborn from fire.

一项最新研究显示,具有神话色彩的世界末日的日期可能要向后推迟50年到100年。A recent research has showed that the mythological date of the "end of days" may be off by 50 to 100 years.

在所有的神兽当中,支付宝是最为常见的,虽然它有时会被误认为是淘宝网。Of all the mythological beasts, lions are the most common, although they are sometimes mistaken as dragons.