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两极天生就不稳定而且是危险的。Bipolarity is born dangerous and instable.

卵砾石地层是钻探工程中常见的一种典型的不稳定地层。Gravel strata is a kind of typical instable layer in drilling engineering.

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电网供电电压不稳定,致使路灯的使用寿命缩短。The instable voltage of power grid shortens the service life of street lamps.

颈椎不稳节段的黄韧带胶原含量较其它节段显著增加。The contents of collagen in cervical instable segment increased significantly.

由于材料不稳定,热电元件须由测试系统完成性能筛选。As for instable material, thermo elements have to significance filtration by test system.

但是,其中一些卫星已经失去控制,并提出在一个不稳定的转折。However, some of the satellites are already out of control and move in an instable turning.

结论异搏停栓治疗不稳定膀胱有一定疗效。Conclusions Intrarectal use of verapamil might be a means of treatment for instable bladder.

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近年来,社会不安定事件接连不断地发生,人们对安全的需求越来越强烈。In recent years, instable social events happen continually and people need more and more security.

复水后作物的稳定生长时间缩短,不稳定生长时间延长。The time period of stable growth was shortened and instable growth was prolonged by water recovery.

缓倾角层状岩质边坡是小危岩体出露的主要坡型之一。Usually, there are densely distributed small instable rocks in a low-angled stratofabric rock slope.

数据是管理系统中的重要资源,也是系统中最不稳定和最复杂的因素。Data is the most instable and complicated factor as well as the important resource in management system.

目的观察钙通道阻滞剂治疗不稳定膀胱的疗效。Objective To investigate the clinical effects of verapamil suppository in the treatment of instable bladder.

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择偶不慎往往会为婚后生活埋下隐患,并造成当事人婚姻的不幸福和不稳定。Careless and imprudent mate-selection often lays hidden dangers and leads to an unhappy and instable marriage.

城市近郊区是一个极不稳定的区域,呈现动态变化的过程,其变化受城市化进程的影响。Suburb, which is impacted by urbanization, shows a process of dynamic change and an extremely instable region.

重力荷载引起的P-△效应使结构的内力和位移增加,甚至失稳。The P-A effect caused by gravity load makes internal force and displacement of structure larger, even instable.

日照市是一个新的沿海开放城市,经济总量小,工业基础薄弱。Rizhao is a new coastal city with low GDP and instable industrial foundation, so development of economy is necessary.

过去的研究基本上是定性分析,主要是振荡及不稳定区间的确定等。By far, the researches are basically of qualitative analysis and mainly about determining the resonance and instable regions.

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美国生产的ASTM-CFR辛烷值实验机,在使用中出现爆震表读数不稳的现象,影响了测定结果的准确性。The measuring accuracy was affected because of instable knock -meter when using octane number detector ASTM-CFR made in U. S.

本田的表现可以形容为像过山车式的。在这种不稳定的表现中,你起到了什麽作用?Honda's performance can be described as something of a rollercoaster ride. To what factors do you attribute that instable form?

过氧乙酸是强氧化剂,具有广泛用途,但其化学性质不稳定,易分解。Peracetic acid is a strong oxidizer possessing wide application fields. But its chemical property is instable and decomposed easily.