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他们乘快艇在湖上游荡。They travelled on the lake by speedboat.

这是布加迪威龙全新概念快艇。This is the new Bugatti Veyron concept speedboat.

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使用传统的载人渔船和快艇。Use of the crewed traditional fishing boat and speedboat.

引擎坏了,快艇突然停下来。The engine broke and the speedboat stopped all of a sudden.

这艘帆船与一条摩托快艇在河中央相撞。The sailing boat fell foul of a motor speedboat in mid-river.

警方在获知此消息后,马上派出数辆警车、消防车,以及一艘配备有多名潜水员的警用快艇迅速赶往现场。Squad cars, fire engines and a police speedboat with divers rushed to the scene.

转子转动时会产生紊流,就像快艇的发动机产生的尾迹。As the rotors turn, they generate turbulence, like the wake of a speedboat motor.

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我们也有快艇和一个客人的Dhoni是将能够利用他们的速度。We also have a speedboat and a Dhoni that guest will be able to use at their pace.

下午的晚些时候我们又一次乘快艇回到了普吉岛。At late afternoon we got picked up by the Speedboat again to head back to Phuket Island.

在栈桥或者五四广场可以坐快艇,从海上开一下青岛,也是很美的。Place in the trestle or 54 can take a speedboat from the sea like Qingdao, is also beautiful.

岛上的工作人员陪我们从高速游艇一直到登机门,确保我们的安全。The island staff accompany us from the speedboat to the departure gate and ensure us all safe.

跳下来自芽庄的快艇,在越南的中南部海岸上感受这片天堂。Hop aboard a speedboat from Nha Trang, on the south-central coast of Vietnam, to reach this sanctuary.

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今年年初,彼得驾驶的快艇被日本捕鲸船撞沉,他也遭逮捕。Early in this year, Peter's speedboat had been crashed down by a Japanese whale-hunting boat before he was arrested.

船员们不会讲英语,在一个小时的晃动乘快艇我们结束了在一个未知的岛屿。The boat crew spoke no English and after an hour of bouncing around in a speedboat we ended up on an unknown island.

如果保险人同被保险人是什么意思意删除该保证条款,则应适用下述第19条投保人被保险人子船时速条款的条件。Where the Underwriters have agreed to delete this warranty, the conditio of the Speedboat clause 19 below shall also a ly.

两个人刚开始向岸边游去,就突然惊愕地发现快艇正在转着圈行驶,它现在正以惊人的速度直冲他们驶来。Both men had just begun to swim towards the shore, when they noticed with dismay that the speedboat was moving in a circle.

星期六晚上,海盗乘坐一艘小快艇靠近这艘游轮,用自动步枪向驾驶台扫射。The pirates drew alongside the liner in a small speedboat on Saturday night and sprayed the bridge with automatic rifle fire.

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如果保险人同意删除该保证条款,则应适用下面第19条子船船速条款的条件。Where the Underwriters have agreed to delete this warranty, the conditions of the Speedboat clause 19 below shall also apply.

2000年,乘坐快艇的基地组织成员在也门港口亚丁炸了美国海军的“科尔”号驱逐舰,造成17名美国水手死亡。The Navy ship USS Cole was bombed in 2000 by al-Qaida members in a speedboat in the Yemeni port of Aden, killing 17 U.S. sailors.

他们左转,再左转,沿博物馆后面的码头狂奔,一名同伙正在快艇中等待他们。They turn left, and left again, then sprint along the wharf behind the museum, where an associate is waiting for them in a speedboat.