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加入英国国教工会。You enter the Anglican priesthood.

到了1706年尾,他离开了正职牧师职务。In late 1706 he withdrew from active priesthood.

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为此,德默特琉王也委任他为大司祭。And king Demetrius confirmed him in the high priesthood.

我将祭司的职任给你们当作赏赐事奉我。I am giving you the service of the priesthood as a gift.

在新约中,谁拥有“有君尊的祭司”的头衔?In the New Testament, who holds the title, "royal priesthood"?

我们年轻的摩门男子在十二岁时就是次级传教士了。We young Mormon men enter the Aaronic priesthood when we're twelve.

即使是那些问题三番两次超越光明的信仰。Even those who question faith think twice about crossing the priesthood.

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在旧约中,哪个部落被认为是“有君尊的祭司”?In the Old Testament, which tribe was considered the "royal priesthood"?

但是耶稣因永远长存,具有不可消逝的司祭品位。But this, for that he continueth for ever, hath an everlasting priesthood.

在他参军期间,艾神父曾有数次奇特的际遇,感觉到天主的召叫。At this time, he had several occasions when God called him into priesthood.

这样的要求对于保护主机的严格律条来讲显然不合时宜。These were all the wrong things to ask of the priesthood guarding the mainframe.

信徒皆为祭司,受职者与平信徒同心服事。We believe in the priesthood of all believers, the parity of ministers and the laity.

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祭司的职任既已更改,律法也必须更改。For the priesthood being changed, there is made of necessity a change also of the law.

然后作者把麦基洗德当做象征了,耶稣及其神职。And then the writer takes Melchizedek to be a type, a sign of Jesus and his priesthood.

他离开了牧师事业,无法忍受天主教堂里的宗教歧视。He had left the priesthood and raged by incidents of racism within the Catholic church.

摩门教犹他会解除了祭司与世俗者之间的区别。The Utah branch of Mormonism dissolves the distinctions between the priesthood and the laity.

农神节是巴比伦的祭司前面一个异教徒从传统继承了罗马。Saturnalia was a tradition inherited by the Roman pagans from an earlier Babylonian priesthood.

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在民主中,成为领导者从各种意义上来说都是神圣的交付,如同涂抹圣油的接受圣职一般。Leadership in all its forms is a sacred trust in a democracy, almost like an anointed priesthood.

又要将亚伦和他儿子分别为圣。The priesthood is theirs by a lasting ordinance. In this way you shall ordain Aaron and his sons.

如果「信者皆为祭司」是因信称义的第一颗果实,那「信心确据」就是第二颗果实。If the priesthood of all believers is the first fruit of justification, 'assurance' is the second.