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一束麦克风用于监听子弹或榴弹发射器。A bundle of microphones listens for a bullet or RPG.

麻将游戏,容入RPG特色,有故事情节。Mahjong Game, Yung into RPG features, has the story.

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旋转活塞发电机无需独立的发电机、点火器或齿轮箱。The RPG doesn’t require a separate generator, starter or gearbox.

票友卡和数字定义的RPG发展的第二阶段。Fancier cards and figures defined second stage of rpg development.

讲不讲求规则,对于能不能够从RPG中获得乐趣并不会有太大影响。The "realism" of the rules don't make much difference in how fun an RPG is.

游戏是把传统13张二人麻将融入RPG类型游戏的成份。Game 13 is the traditional two-person mahjong game into the type of RPG elements.

搜集了自奔三时代以来的很多经典游戏。I have been looking for some good rpg games which are hard to come by these days.

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李是一个很不错的队友,而他上赛季也可以得到16+11.7的数据。Had Lee been surrounded by better teammates, his line might not be 16 ppg and 11.7 rpg.

这一黄金时期的很多电脑RPG游戏直到今天都一直赋予我灵感。Pretty much any computer RPG from this golden era is what still inspires me to this day.

我对于象指环王还有中世纪的RPG游戏非常痴迷。I am really into high-fantasy things like "Lord of the Rings" and medieval RPG video games.

这款由日本多美玩具公司开发的存钱罐能让你在玩角色扮演游戏的同时把零花钱攒起来。Developed by Takara Tomy, this piggy bank can help you save money while going on an RPG adventure.

在我们旁边,一个背上捆着一束三只RPG火箭的塔利班战士即将结束祈祷。Next to us a Talib with a pouch of three RPG rockets strapped on his back was finishing his prayer.

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模式,别人能够在游戏中帮助你,在这个模式下将帮助信息发送给你。The first half-life rpg mod. People can help me with the game if they want to. Post al your comments on the mod.

阿富汗官员们说,一名隐藏在事发地区的塔利班军事人员发射火箭推进榴弹打下了这架直升机。Afghan officials said a Taliban insurgent who was hiding in the area fired the RPG that brought down the chopper.

作为一款RPG游戏,它仍然以经验值和提高主角的等级、技能为重心。Being an RPG game, it is centred around Experience Points and trying to boost your character's levels and skills.

您可以讲述一下促成冰封王座中附加兽人RPG战役的原因吗?Can you walk us through the reasoning that led to the creation of the bonus RPG orc campaign in The Frozen Throne?

同时,游戏经过改善,画面更加华丽,且调整为最终的开放式RPG模式。While the game looks beautiful, game play has been refined and tweaked for the ultimate open-world RPG experience.

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文物的期待已久的续集命中科幻RTS系列战争黎明结合队的战术与RPG元素。Relic's long awaited sequel to the hit sci-fi Dawn of War RTS series combines squad-based tactics with RPG elements.

衣着杂乱的武装人员控制了数十个街角的检查站,他们身披子弹带,挥舞着RPG火箭筒。Rag-tag gunmen manned checkpoints on dozens of street corners, covered in bullet-belts and brandishing RPG launchers.

还有塔米,塔米·达科沃斯在伊拉克驾驶一架黑鹰直升机的时候被RPG的炮火夺去了双腿。And there was Tammy, Lieutenant Colonel Tammy Duckworth lost her legs from RPG fire piloting a Black Hawk chopper in Iraq.