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那些男孩彼此很要好。The boys are very pally.

玛莉与乔治非常要好。Mary is very pally with George.

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然后她离开去挑战另一个16级的战士。Then goes off and duels a level 16 pally.

超过100米,帕里斯特会赢他们所有人。Over 100 metres, Pally would beat any of them.

这种椅子名叫Pally,由许多插棍和一个容器组成。Called Pally Chair it’s made of pegs and a holder.

我不明白汤姆为什么对我表现出如此执着的亲热,我几乎对他一无所二知。I don't know why Tom acts so pally as Cephalus toProcris. I hardly know him.

“季前赛的时候我觉得他看上去很强壮,快速,控球能力也不错,”帕里斯特说。"On the pre season tour of America I thought he looked strong, quick and good on the ball, " said Pally.

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结果就是在一些特定场合,骑士和德鲁伊会是更好的坦克选择。This will result in situations where a Pally or Druid might tank better for a particular situation or situations.

前面我们提到过,我们在对付有术士的队和有治疗的队伍是很轻松的。As mentioned earlier, we have really good results against anything with a warlock and pretty much anything with a pally healer.

没有事情会使他们正经的,最正经的人是穿着晚服到跳舞厅去,在一群女子的面前熔耀一番,跳着这些新出的却尔斯登舞,什么不干!You can't make them serious. The serious ones dress up in evening clothes and go off to the Pally to show off before a lot of girls and dance these new Charlestons and what not.

有一个需要考虑的就是DK没有一个很好的拉群怪的起手,诸如骑士的飞盾啊奉献啊战士的雷霆。One concern that I think is valid is that the DK tank doesn't have a great opener for group pulls yet, something like the pally 's shield or Consecrate or the warrior's Thunderclap.

但事物是发展的,当行为人误认为行为有效而进一步行动时,就可能引起返还财产、赔偿损失的间接后果,这显然区别于无效民事行为本身。The answer Was that the pally has mistaken the conduct as valid and performed, that is to say, returning property and compensation were not a direct but an indirect consequence of void civil conduct.