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小脑和大脑皮层都可以收到来自体觉系统的输入信息。Both cerebellum and neocortex receive input from the somatosensory system.

在大脑半球上覆盖着的共六层的大脑新皮层是哺乳动物所特有的。The neocortex – the six-layered mantle covering the brain's hemispheres – is unique to mammals.

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在灵长类中,对其他动物下一步行动预判能力的提升便大大得益于大脑新皮层的作用。In primates, the neocortex appears to be responsible for an enhanced capacity to predict others' behaviour.

而CA_1的作用是将它们结成一个单一的记忆,而大脑皮层则是长期记忆的部位。That of CA1 is for conjugating them to form a single memory and the neocortex is the site for long term memory.

马克汉姆的研究小组创建了一个模拟近一万个脑细胞的三维模型,模仿老鼠大脑新皮层的行为。Markham's team created a 3D simulation of around 10, 000 brain cells to mimic the behaviour of the rat neocortex.

相反,在慢波睡眠中,研究人员看到海马体和新皮层区域的活动。In contrast, the researchers saw activation in the hippocampus and neocortex regions of the brain in the SWS group.

人类有最大的大脑皮层和最广的社交圈,根据科学家罗宾汉.邓巴的数据,是150名。Humans have the largest neocortex and the widest social circle — about 150, according to the scientist Robin Dunbar.

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他们发现新生神经元会在搬运记忆的过程中起到作用,那些旧有的记忆会从海马体内被转移到大脑皮层以得到长期的保存。They found that new neurons help move older memories out of the hippocampus and into long-term storage in the neocortex.

最后还讨论一些突触的功能以及爬行类前背侧室嵴与哺乳类新皮层之间的关系。In the end, the functions of some synapses and the relation between ADVR of reptile and the neocortex of mammal were discussed.

人类拥有比其他哺乳类大得多的新皮质,使它成为研究高等认知的理想对象。Humans have a considerably larger neocortex than other mammals, making it an ideal subject for the research of higher cognition.

只有当体内回复平衡之后,高阶新皮层脑功能才能开始压倒本能反应。Only after returning to homeostasis do the higher-order brain functions of the neocortex begin to override instinctual responses.

一种理论认为人类之所有拥有更高等的认知是因为我们有更大的细胞和更复杂的新皮质内细胞联路。One theory suggests that humans have a higher cognition because we have larger cells and a more complex circuitry in the neocortex.

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方法研究对象是癫痫手术中取得的12份MTS的颞叶皮质,11份FCD组织和8份正常颞叶皮层。Methods 12 cases of temporal neocortex from MTS and 11 cases of FCD tissue and 8 cases of normal temporal neocortical were examined.

文森认为,当我们梦到海马“教”脑皮层当天它所获悉的东西时——实际上是在加强记忆。Winson believed that when we dream the hippocampus 'teaches' the neocortex what it learnt that day — effectively reinforcing memory.

哺乳动物在刚出生时很难独立,但这笔高昂的代价却被它们特异的有大脑新皮层而带来的新式学习的优势所弥补了。The high cost of mammalian dependency at birth is offset by the singular advantages of new forms of learning made possible by the neocortex.

这种情况下,别人喋喋不休的向你灌输并试图让你接受那些宗教信条,你的大脑皮层要强壮得足以辨别其中各种各样的胡说八道。In this case your neocortex is strong enough to identify various bits of utter nonsense in the religious teachings that others are trying to ram down your throat.

由布鲁大学领导的研究团队首次记录到海马细胞内和新皮层的活动。Brown Uniersity-led research team has, for the first time, recorded actiity inside the cells of the hippocampus while simultaneously measuring actiity in the neocortex.

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睡眠纺锤波非常的短暂但强烈的活动,它表明信息在海马和新大脑皮质两种不同的记忆储存区域传递。Sleep spindles are brief but intense bursts of activity that indicate information transfer between two different memory storage areas, the hippocampus and the neocortex.

慢波就像重放按钮一样,它使大脑海马状突起重新激活新记忆并使大脑皮层同步运作,从而长久储存这些新记忆。Slow electrical waves act as a replay button, causing the hippocampus to reactivate new memories and synchronizing the neocortex so that it accepts them into long-term storage.

研究人员表明,将记忆从海马体转移到新大脑皮层可以保护这些记忆,“使它们不被随后进入海马体的信息所干扰。”The transfer of memories from the hippocampus to the neocortex could protect "these memories against interference from information subsequently encoded in the hippocampus," the researchers write.