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一金融市场出现恶性抛售。One money market appears malign undersell.

这个商店售价低于其他店是因其以现金交易。This store can undersell other stores because it sells by cash.

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她的策略是用低于市价的价格销售大量家具,同时,她还是一个很无情的谈判对手。Her strategy was to undersell the big shots, and she was a merciless negotiator.

但是可以看看人们已经在看低他的能力或者称他为高估的球员。That came from seeing people undersell his abilities and calling him vastly overrated and whatnot.

即,你今天低价些买入一支股票,高价抛售昨天买入的同一支股票!Namely, you today low some buy a share, what costly undersell bought yesterday is same pay a share!

黑斯廷斯可能低价销售了其服务的影响力,但他的一些合作伙伴不同意他的外交性礼物。Hastings may undersell the impact of his service, but some of his partners don't share his gift for diplomacy.

结果是,为了避免被挑选出来而感到惹人注意,他们可能会不尽力工作。As a result, they may undersell their strengths in order to avoid being singled out and made to feel conspicuous.

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保护性关税基本上是为了将那些价格低于国内同类产品的外来商品拒于国门之外。The basic reason for a protective tariff is to keep out goods that will undersell products made in the home country.

在国内楼市低迷地状况下,进来美国投行兜售在华物业。In the domestic real estate market murky situation, comes in the US to throw the line to undersell in the Chinese property.

由于银行开始疯狂地抛售取消赎回权的房屋,美国空房率已接近半个世纪以来的最高水平。Because the bank starts to undersell crazily cancels redeems the power the house, since American vacant room rate already close half century's maximum level.

那些没有因歧视带来负担的雇主将能够以比那些有歧视行为的雇主更低的价格在国际市场销售其产品。Employers in other countries not burdened with costs of discrimination will be able to undersell discriminating employers in the international market for goods.

这样一来,补贴金额的增多就自然而然的形成了价格的不公平性,使得垃圾食品可以以低于市场价格的低价出售,而那些有营养但却没有补贴金的食物,像是水果和蔬菜,则必须以原价出售。Not surprisingly, the subsidies have manufactured a price inequality that helps junk food undersell nutritious-but-unsubsidized foodstuffs like fruits and vegetables.

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当然,Walter的描述有点贬低了D语言,因为实际上他在设计的时候充分考虑了使用者,而不仅仅是考虑哪些语法更容易实现。However, Walter' s description may undersell D, because he definitely designed it with users in mind and not just with what syntax would make parsing easier to implement.

那时候,大多数经济发达国家都陷入经济危机,公司纷纷破产倒闭,股票和债券在证券市场上被大量抛售,工人失业,成千上万的股东和债权人蒙受巨额损失。Large numbers of companies went bankrupt, people scrambled to undersell their stocks and bonds, workers were out of job, and millions of stockholders and creditors suffered from heavy loss.

因为商业3D打印机需求越来越大,价格一路下跌,出现一家专门出售这些DIY设备的公司只是时间问题,这对所有人而言都是件好事。Because commercial 3D printers are continually dropping in price as demand increases, it is only a matter of time before a company is able to undersell these DIY devices, which is good for everyone.