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你的纸棒只是参与总体决定中的一票。Your wand is just one vote.

在工具面板中点击魔术棒工具。Click on the Magic Wand Tool.

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砍下一段棒枝削成杆。And cut and peeled a hazel wand.

你的魔杖?Your magic wand of dereferencing?

那个魔术师挥舞着他的魔棒。The magician waved his magic wand.

享受泡泡浴带来的更多乐趣!Bubble wand included for extra fun!

这支魔棒就是要像耶稣那样去爱。The magic wand is to love like Christ.

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仙女把魔棒在六只老鼠上面挥了一挥。The fairy waves her wand over the six mice.

这个将军总是带著他的权标。The general always carried his wand with him.

他魔杖尖端跳出一只银色的牝鹿。From the tip of his wand burst the silver doe.

斯内普的魔杖落到了几英尺外的地上。Snape's wand fell on the floor a few feet away.

仙女向着大南瓜挥舞起了魔棒。The fairy waved her magic wand at a big pumpkin.

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当然,我将使用指针赋值魔杖。Sure. I'll use my magic wand of pointer assignment.

那么,我们到哪里获得这种魔棒和水晶玻璃球?So where do we get this magic wand and crystal ball?

奥利凡德的魔杖测试预览图如下。A preview of Ollivander's wand quiz can be seen here.

我倒是想用移动咒,但我不知道我的魔杖被我怎么弄过了。I'd Accio it but I don't know what I did with my wand.

”斯内普抽出他的魔杖指向了哈利的胸口。" Snape took his wand out and put it on Harry's chest.

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对于这个技巧,我将需要一个魔杖。For this trick I'll need my magic wand of dereferencing.

汉斯莱命令道,他手中的手写笔停在PDA小小的屏幕上。Hensley commanded, wand poised over the tiny PDA screen.

人们希望我有一支魔棒,能改变这一切。And people expect you have a magic wand to change things.