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奇点的地缘政治学和社会经济学基础是什么?What are the geopolitics and the socioeconomics of the Singularity?

但中国的地缘政治策略是与经济用品紧密地联系的。But China's strategy dovetailed geopolitics with economic necessity.

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国际地缘政治是研究“西安事变”发生发展的前提。So international geopolitics is the premise in study of the "Xi'an Incident".

地理政治学决定了俄国不可能同时在各个方向上采取行动,而要利用优势步步为营。Geopolitics decided that Russia could not move in all directions at the same time.

如果伊朗获取了核武器,你如何看待国际地缘政治的变化?How do you see global geopolitics shifting if Iran were to acquire nuclear weapons?

地缘政治的确有关,多些乔老爷子你的牛比见解。Geopolitics is definitely in play. Thank you professor for another powerful insight!

在地缘政治学说中,麦金德的“陆心”说具有重要地位。In the geopolitics theory, Mackinder "the land heart" said that has the important position.

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地缘政治因素在2006年国际市场原油价格上涨中发挥关键作用。In 2006, geopolitics factors played an important role in international market crude oil price rise.

从地缘政治和地缘经济的角度看,两国在世界范围争夺石油资源在所难免。In view of geopolitics and geo-economics, it is unavoidable for the two to vie for energy worldwide.

在莫霍特隆及其他地区,诸如陈先生这样的中国商人似乎与地缘政治毫无干系。Chinese traders such as Mr Chen, in Mokhotlong and elsewhere, seem entirely divorced from geopolitics.

马汉的地缘政治思想,在本文中,被归纳为“帝国观念下的权力平衡”。Mahan s geopolitics ideology, in this text, is concluded to be "Balance of power under Empire concept".

这些进步政府还进行了地缘政治和权力结构的重组。These progressive governments have driven a reconstruction of the architecture of power and geopolitics.

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我们可以看到我们周边地区有许多麻烦,可是我们不可能与本地区的地缘政治问题保持距离。We can see a lot of trouble around our borders and we cannot distance ourselves from the geopolitics of this region.

中印能源合作除了共同迎接“亚洲溢价”挑战外更主要的还有地缘政治战略考虑。Sino-India energy cooperation is not only to meet with "Asia Premium" challenge, but also to consider geopolitics strategy.

各国能源战略的相互影响与竞争交织成一幅绚丽多彩的世界能源地缘政治图景。The influence and the competition among the every countries energy strategy compose a colorful world's energy geopolitics map.

这同时也会弱化俄国和西方之间长期以来以价值观,而非地缘政治为基础的争辩。It also weakens the argument that tussles between Russia and the West are based fundamentally on values rather than geopolitics.

而且,由于地缘政治和全球文化最终将遵循达尔文主义,其他社会要么迎头赶上,要么被边缘化。And because geopolitics and global culture are, ultimately, Darwinian, other societies either follow suit or end up marginalized.

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而且这事发生在从没有支持过伊拉克战争的中国身上,这不能不说是现代地缘政治学的最大讽刺。And this took place without the Chinese having ever supported the Iraq war in any way. Such are the ironies of modern geopolitics.

在高原内部,由于自然环境与地缘政治的差异,又分为漠南与漠北两个相互独立的地理单元。Owing to the differences in natural environment and geopolitics , Mongolia plateau was divided into two mutually independent geographical unit.

美国人能够生产并提供大多数他们自己所需的物资和服务,但资金一直短缺,直到第一次世界大战才改变了地缘政治的面貌。Americans produced most of the goods and services they needed, but capital was always in short supply until the war changed the face of geopolitics.