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静脉为蔓状丛。Vein is tendril shape clump.

牵牛花用卷须攀着树干。The morning glory climbs the trunk with its tendril.

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似乎忘了忧伤正在杨柳间轻蔓。Seem to forget between sadness is willow light tendril.

Tendril公司帮助个人企业和公共工程控制能源消费。Tendril helps both consumers and utilities manage energy consumption.

你也可以像苏蔓那样爱一个人十年。等一个人十年吗?You can love someone like Sue tendril ten years. Wait for a man ten years?

花枝草蔓眼中开,小白长红越女腮。Beautifully grass tendril eyes open, small white long red more female gills.

我们的第一个挑战是找寻仅剩简单藤蔓植物的通道。Our first challenge is looking at corridors where there's just a single tendril.

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卷须像有些公司提供的产品,通过公用设施,有一个网络接口。Some companies like Tendril offer their products, which have a Web interface, through utilities.

在经典黑暗星云中,蛇是星际气体和尘埃组成的卷须,长约650光年。A classic dark nebula, the Snake is a tendril of interstellar gas and dust about 650 light years away.

一开始也做监测和管理能源的使用设备和软件都卷须网络。A start-up doing both devices and software for monitoring and managing energy use is Tendril Networks.

注意蔓状血管瘤可与毛细管型或海绵型血管瘤同时并存。Notice tendril shape hemangioma but with capillary model or sponge hemangioma coexists at the same time.

主蔓第二、三雌花留瓜,建议二蔓或三蔓整枝。Lord tendril in the second and third female flowers stay melons, suggest two or three tendril pruning tendril.

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低温气体和尘埃长长的卷须从渐行渐远的电离前沿一直延伸到数光年远的太空。A long tendril of colder gas and dust extends many light years into the void from the receding ionization front.

高大的内阁,粪便和镜子可供用户选择的香格里拉玫瑰的花蔓的形式装饰。The tall cabinet, stool and mirrors are optionally available with the La Rose décor in the form of a flower tendril.

这枚茱莉亚蝴蝶卵栖息于一棵西番莲卷须上,也许能躲过饥饿的蚂蚁。Perched on the tendril of a Passiflora plant, the egg of the Julia heliconian butterfly may be safe from hungry ants.

环流东南方向显现污染油在逐渐靠近的迹象表明,浮油被吸引过去的可能性正在变得越来越大。The proximity of the southeast tendril of oil to the Loop Current indicates that oil is increasingly likely to become entrained.

如气候异常,子蔓无瓜,打顶后,孙蔓很快有瓜,亩产达3600公斤左右。Such as climate anomalies, melons, biggest niche-fitness tendril no son, Samson tendril soon have melon, the per kilogram or so of 3600.

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一条巨大的蜘蛛网线缠住了他的手臂,他刚刚成功地将它移除,两人虽然听不清他的咒骂声,却可以感觉到他万分沮丧。He succeeded only in winding a large tendril of the web around his arm. They could not hear his curses, but they could see his frustration.

在2010年,Tendril公司获得了20个合作项目,覆盖美国14个周的政府工程总计3千5百万个家庭,并且目前正计划向国际推广这一技术。Tendril secured 20 pilot programs in 2010, with utilities in 14 U.S. states covering 35 million homes, and is planning to expand internationally.

抗病性强,子蔓孙蔓均结瓜,幼瓜膨大速度快,适合大棚温室、地膜覆盖栽培。Fusarium son tendril Samson young, which are knot melon tendril melon swollen speed, suitable for trellis greenhouse, plastic mulching cultivation.