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不过,我在罗马也很不错。I feel good in Rome.

这条道路终止于罗马。The road ends at Rome.

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条条道路通臩罗马。All roads lead to Rome.

条条道路通罗马。/殊途同归。All roads lead to rome.

并且还有罗马在。And then, there is Rome.

入乡随俗。Do in Rome as Romans do.

他统治着整个罗马帝国。He sways the whole Rome.

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于是他们就飞往了罗马。So off they fly to Rome.

古罗马于公元前七百五十三年建立。Rome was begun in 753 BC.

这班列车开往罗马吗?Is this the train for Rome?

冰冻三尺,非一日之冷。Rome is not built in a day.

罗马建立于公元前753年。Rome was founded in 753 BC.

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我们终于到达罗马。We finally arrived in Rome.

你肯定疯了,才会想去罗马。You're crazy to go to Rome.

他在罗马过了一夜。He passed one night in Rome.

罗马城非朝夕建成,伟业非一日之功。Rome was not built in a day!

然后我们就坐公车去了罗马。Then we went by bus to Rome.

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恺撒于是成了罗马的主宰。Gasser was the master of Rome.

冰冻三尺,comes。非一日之寒。Rome is not designed in a day.

罗马真是个懂得收藏经典的城市。Rome is such a cherished city.